The Revolution Will Not Be Televised

Day 848, 15:05 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Johnobrow

It won't come in four flavours. It won't happen on facebook. It won't happen on erepublik. You know there is something seriously wrong with the world. You can feel that it's not quite right, but you're scared of what admitting it might mean. You might just lose those walls of lies that give you that false sense of security. But there is no security. Everyone is out to get everyone. It's a game. A game where if you lose, you die. But you don't have to play. You can refuse to play. Don't just change the politicians, those liars in suits. Don't just change one set of oppressors for another. Don't just change the record. Don't just change the channel. Change the game! Change the system. Take the power back!