The Revamping of My Paper and My Take on the Elections

Day 683, 11:08 Published in Canada Canada by Scorpius

Your friendly Canadian Crusader

Lately ive been giving a lot of thought to my erepublik life and especially my political career. Ive resigned from most of my official positions. I am no longer the PP of the DAL, I am no longer Minister of Justice. I remain a congressmen, however with my real life schedule, i lack the time to do as much as i'd like in that area.

What i've decided is that i want to make the best out of my new unofficial life. Over my many months of erepublik. I think its safe to say ive amassed quite a large amount of knowledge about the way the political system of this game works. Ive been a part of eCanadian politics since Zanalan was president, starting off as a congressmen, then eventually becoming a cabinet minister and the PP of the largest party in the country. Though many others may not trust me or like me, i have a lot to say, and i hope you can all respect the bluntness with which i state the facts.

So i present to you, the repository of my knowledge, for your benefit. In the coming weeks i will be bringing you a straight to the point, informed analysis of each and every Canadian election, as well as insight into the partisan workings of this great country.

I call it Scorp's Election Analysis. Props to Karsten, the greatest artist in Canada, for the logo!

So now for my inaugural edition of this shiny new paper i will be giving you the straight talk on the upcoming Country President Elections.

*Please note that these are my personal views and do not represent the views of the WDDH candidacy, Democratic Action League, or the Canadian Government.*

First a little background on the parties and their candidates.

This election we have 3 candidates

William Duncan , running from the DAL and CPP: My favorite candidate this election, William Duncan is a longtime member of the Canadian Paradox Party and the current Deputy Prime Minister. In terms of experience, he has the most of any candidate. He is running with the Minister of State, Derek Harland (also quite experienced). With William from the CPP, and Derek from the DAL, the 2 parties seem to be cooperating with the election effort. WD has been making some controversial statements recently and seems to be arguing a bit with the Jbdivinus team, his main opponent. With backing from the largest party in canada (DAL), as well as the CPP, William has a good shot of winning. It all depends on what happens in the next few days.

Jbdivinus , running from the CNC and CPF: Besides William Duncan, Jbdivinus is the person most likely to win these elections. A DAL member, Jb lost the DAL poll by a mere 3 votes to William Duncan, so he is running in the Canadian Progressive Front, and Canadian National Coalition. A well known player from erepublik's beta days, Jb took a bit of a hiatus when V1 came about, but is back now and is quite active. A strong member of the DAL and a big force on its famed Recruitment Team, I would best describe Jb in one word as committed. While he lacks the experience of William Duncan, he brings some new ideas to the table. However the CPF, which seems to be the driving force in his campaign, it taking it in an increasingly negative direction, publishing numerous articles against Willaim Duncan. The CNC, which has fallen into a bit of disorder under Rainer N, seems to be taking a backseat to the campaign, and it seems their biggest contribution will be their 2 clicker voters.

Chamrajnagar , running from the CS😨 Chamrajnagar is a multi-term congressmen and Minister of Finance, who is one of the active members of the Canadian Social Democrats. I like cham, but it does not seem like he has a chance. The CSD is the only party backing him, whereas all the other candidates have 2 parties. This is partially do to the CSD's isolationist attitude that manifested itself this election when they refused to consider a non-CSD candidate, and by doing such significantly hurt their candidates in other party's polls. In addition, it seems the Chamrajnagar team is doing the least amount of campaigning out of all the candidates. Cham brings some interesting ideas to the table but i dont see a bright future for his candidacy, at least not this month.

Now let me compare the 3 different campaigns. In elections there are 3 major mediums for reaching voters. Direct outreach (PMs), Media outreach (articles) and advertisements.

Mass PMs: This is rather hard to gauge. PMs, as you may have guessed by their names, are Private Messages. However based on what i know i can infer that both the Duncan and Jbdivinus campaigns are mass PMing at an alarming rate. I expect a big voter turnout these elections are a result, Chamrajnagar's team may also be PMing, but if they are i havnt heard about it.

Advertisements: Right now it appears that Jbdivinus is the only one with an add up. However i know all 3 candidates have the money to fund adds. Adds are rapidly becoming a good way to reach new players so i expect all candidates to take advantage of this method to an extent. To what extent they use this function remains to be seen.

Media: This method does not reach two clickers as well as the other two, however as shown in past elections, it has shown to be a strong tool for shaping public opinion. The Jbdivinus campaign is using this method extensively. While all candidates have published their articles, and some of the parties have published articles supporting the candidates, the Jbdivinus campaign has been pumping out Pro-JB and to an extent, Anti-WD articles. While some of these articles are legitimate criticisms, a few have been over the line. Jbdivinus has condemned these, however their effect on his campaign remains to be seen. For his part, Duncan has also had some media activity, publishing an article supporting current president Jacobi, and criticizing Jbdivinus's cabinet picks. Comment wars between the 2 sides are raging, and this has the potential to become very dirty. We'll see how it plays out in the end.

Having taken a look at the campaigns and candidates, i'll now take the liberty to analyze the current state of the 5 political parties of Canada.

We'll start with the Democratic Action League, my home party. Since reaching the #1 spot, the DAL has remained a force in eCanadian politics. Still a highly active party, and with many new members, the DAL hasnt lost the momentum its had since its founding. Ayeshan Dakseus, the current party president, lead the party to a successful congressional election, with the DAL taking 10 seats. Ayeshan pioneered the DAL Strategic Voting Unit, which has largely been credited with the success. They have been working closely with their friends in the CPP this election to support William Duncan. It seems as though a candidacy with a CPP President and a DAL Vice-President has been bringing these two parties together.

The Canadian National Coalition, under the leadership of Rainer N, who is a newcomer to the political scene, has seen better days, to put it lightly. After Rainer beat Goran Thrax for PP, and turned the party from a nonpartisan organization to just another party, the CNC suffered a miserable defeat in the congressional elections, dispute being the #2 party in terms of membership. With 3 congressmen, the CNC is essentially a shell of a party; possessing very few well known names. They seem to be taking a backseat to the Jbdivinus campaign, which doesnt surprise me. My prediction for this party is a steady decline unless they step their game up sometime in the near future.

The Canadian Social Democrats have been a mixed bag as of late. They have seen a boost of activity, which has been nice, as before now the CSD has had a reputation of being somewhat inactive. They also garnered a respectable number of seats in the Congressional Elections. However they have made several bad calls this presidential election. Trenton Rendell, the CSD PP, who himself was running for the CSD nomination, barred both Jbdivinus and William Duncan from the CSD poll, stating the need for the CSD to run a CSDer these elections. This proved to be a bad political move, as the resulting fallout may have prevented the CSD candidates from getting the nomination of another party besides the CSD. In addition, the move may have hurt relations with other parties, most notably the DAL and CPP, who's candidates were both rejected by the CSD. This is not the first time the CSD has made mistakes in elections. Last presidential election, a last minute candidate caused havoc in the CSD poll, angering many people. The same thing happened two elections ago. I personally like the CSD. I like their views and i like their members for the most part. However during elections it is the opinion of this newspaper that they have a lot of problems to fix.

The Canadian Progressive Front is a party thats had its fair share of conflicts in the past. Despite my own personal disputes with the party, i do have to give them credit, they are DAMN good in elections. Between their impressive 13 congressmen, and their massive campaigning for Jbdivinus, they have made themselves a force to be reckoned with, despite their small size. However they are also quite hostile at times, and dont have many friends amongst the other parties, though relations are improving. They are running a candidate from the DAL, which is something that i would have never expected from them a while ago. Their grassroots organization is reminiscent of the young DAL's campaigning, however unlike the DAL, the CPF is quite conservative, and is made up of many members of the "old guard" including former president Bruck. Their negative campaigning tactics may disgust me, but they are certainly a party to watch in the future.

The Canadian Paradox Party has seen a very large boost of activity since Sir DeLaShaunRon Smith took over as Party President. Like the CSD, they pulled off a nice showing in the congressional elections dispite being the 5th place party in terms of membership. The home of President Jacobi, the CPP has had a lock on the presidency for 4 months now. William Duncan would make the 5th month there was a CPPer in that position, which is not at all a bad thing in my opinion. The CPP has been putting forth many talented politicians, both young and old, and their future looks bright atm.

In conclusion, this is certainly an interesting election. While it seems either Jbdivinus and William Duncan will win, it is impossible for me to say who will atm. I'd personally be happy with either of them as president. I hope you've enjoyed my analyzing though. There is more to come!
