The Renting Debate

Day 967, 20:03 Published in Canada Canada by fun-with-a-gun
Jacobi's article against renting

ligtreb's article for renting (response)

I have seen both sides of the argument, and since neither give you the link to the other, here they both are.

I personally don't know what the conditions of renting a region are, but based on what I've seen it seems to be that we let them take control of a region for the resources. (eg, high titanium)

This would mean that more companies are producing titanium and therefore bringing the overall market price down, right? Wrong. (well, wrong from eCanada's standpoint)

By having more titanium being produced and sold in other markets that could be solely controlled by the canadian producers, we are allowing others to come in and steal our sales, which will either:

1) Cause prices to drop in a "selling war"
2) Mean canadian companies sell less and some might even go out of business

There is also the other side of this coin, which shows us that if we do allow another country to rent out one of our high titanium regions our allies will have cheaper, better weaponry. This would also end well for eCanada because then when it comes down to it in an all out war of conquest, our allies would be the better equipped fighting force. (also eCanada gets a nice bonus of gold!)

I am against renting out our regions, because I own a weapons company and the low local price of titanium is great from a business standpoint, and because with the raw material market the way it is right now, we need all the help we can get.