The Redcoats are coming....and so did I!

Day 736, 10:25 Published in USA USA by Eugene Harlot
The eUK has attacked Maine and activated 17 US MPPs

Remember to fight smart. Wait until last log-in per standard operating procedures

The eUK attacked us and everyone is standing ready to kill readcoats. But just be cool for a bit. There is no rush to fight.

First, plenty of our allies will fight today before they need to sleep. The US has TIME. As much as we would love to get our own shots in, remember that we have open wars with a number of our neighbors still.

Portugal is still stinging from their failed attempt at playing lawyer and may want to play soldier. Mexico may consider the Admins' ruling to mean they are not bound by our treaty. And Russia may use this as opportunity to attack Alaska.

Fight smart. There are 24 hours in this battle and about 13 hours left in the eRep day. You don't need to fight immediately.

Also, please remember that tomorrow is a USA holiday. Happy Thanksgiving, USA. I'd like to thank eUK for keeping the game interesting.

Eugene Harlot
eUS Marine