The Red Army

Day 966, 08:39 Published in Poland Spain by Ramso" />" />" />" /> Time is running out:
Time is running out, the imposed armistice is ending and the world waits for war. Remember that Croacia is near its end and Serbia is showing a great superiority. They know it, and they know they are still in the V2. Their superiority in number and strenght will be shown in the first battles where the lack of orgnisation will be the common factor for world armies. Croatia will need a miracle. If i were Phoenix i would attack just when the "red button" is enabled.
What can EDEN do? I don't know, i wouldn't bet a coin for Croatia." /> Hard Defence:
The problem is how we can face enemy numeric superiority and a new problem: When to fight
Imagine we are Serbia and want to attack Croatia.
For organize an attack, the citizenship has a response time, but there is a time slot where population needs to sleep and noone plays.That slot is bounded from 1:00 to 7:00 at best. So a minimun of 6 hours to sleep should be enough for a player. Hardly you can have soldiers online at that time.
So now we compare the sleeping slot of Croatia with the highest strenght mpps of EDEN and Phoenix (time slots vary +-hour between summer and winter):

Croatia: 1:00 - 7:00
Spain 1:00 - 7:00
Poland 1:00 - 7:00
Romania: 2:00 - 8:00
Usa: 19:00 - 1:00
Canada: 19:00 - 1:00

Serbia: 1:00 - 7:00
Hungary: 1:00 - 7:00
France: 1:00 - 7:00
Germany: 1:00 - 7:00
Moscow (Western russian territories) 3:00 - 9:00
Krasnoyarsk (Eastern russian territories) 7:00 – 13:00
Indonesia 6:00 – 12:00
Brazil: 20:00 - 2:00
United Faildom 0:00 - 6:00

Phoenix map (in red), notice the russian territories and time extension" /> The Red Army
You can see that Russia extension is enormous, and EDEN sleeping time slot coincides with their first light hours.
So with EDEN soldiers sleeping, only Canada, China or USA are online to fight the first night hours. Canada is too weak, China is not big and organized enough, and USA... well, their damage in Slavonia was lower than a million, and having mpp activated. Don't expect them to win Russia.

So in the first sleeping hours, Brazil will be awake, as USA and company, but Russia will be waking up soon in their western territories, and soon all Russia will be up for fighting all the night while EDEN sleeps.
60 minutes, 2 minutes per turn, 30 turns per hour. Who will face Russia? Will Spain, Poland or CroMania go up at night and never sleep? They have to fight Serbia, Hungary and the rest of Phoenix at day time...

Welcome night armys

Suppose that the main battle is opened at 6:00 a.m. so it ends next day at that time. Russia can fight the end of the battle without problem.Will EDEN be able to get enough soldiers online to face more than 100 russian soldiers? If they keep opening battles at that way." />" />" />" />" />