The Rearden Revolution! -- PRESIDENTIAL PLATFORM --

Day 557, 13:25 Published in Canada Canada by Alexander Rearden

My Fellow Canadians, Our Nation has grown from small tight-knit clique of people to a large and diverse community. I come before you today as witness of this change and with the desire to continue the growth and development of our nation as a whole. I have been an eCanadian for nearly a year having served Canada in various positions for 8 months starting as a junior congressmen from the Norsefire Party of the late Adam Sutler to one of the most senior Minister's in Cabinet. In that time I have put my all into helping Canada rise from a backwater to a nation, proud and strong. I would like to give more, to accomplish this I am running for Prime Minister of Canada in the upcoming elections.

I bring my hard won experience, and a clear vision of how Canada should progress into this 19th month of this New World. I want to bring my vision to Canada as a whole as I have done with the economy. For those of you that have been around you have witnessed the improvement - the rise in prosperity for all Canadians in the past 6 months of my tenure. I can proudly say that I among others, have been at the vanguard of the economic prosperity we now have. It may not be perfect for all people, but the Canadians of today is better off than they were 6 months ago. Enough of the past it is time for the future.

The most radical portion of my Platform of Progress is my call for a new Constitutional Convention.

The current constitution doesn't work with the game, the level of cohesion between how the game works and the constitution is insufficient. Congress, the cabinet, and the judicial branch lack the definition they need to continue. We are using a Beta era constitution from a community of a dozen key players, that can't work in a Boomer dominated community of hundreds of very active members.

Before I get into what key concepts I want to address in this new Constitution I would like to discuss how I envision its creation. A new forum area will be created, at first only accessible to current Congressmen who have served more than one term, along with cabinet and the Supreme Court Justices. This key group will help lay the foundation of the document. On the day of the midterm of my mandate I will open those forums to the public allowing every Canadian Citizen to debate the constitution. By the end of the month I would like to see a copy go before Congress to be passed with a 75% majority. I will also demand my successor (if I am not re-elected) hold a public vote requiring a 60% approval, at which point we bring it to the eRepublik Admins as a binding contract.

To accomplish this I will appoint a Constitutional Secretary. This persons jobs is to organize people's ideas and oversee a new area of the forum where each topic/article/section is being discussed. They will also work with Myself and others to implement the ideas presented by congress and later the general public. This person will have the authority to delegate their duties as they see fit. The Constitution Secretary will also be encouraged to hold polls to see the general consensus on drafts for different Articles of the Constitution.

Issues that will be addressed will include:

Admin-Government relations: A bill of rights for administrators and moderators as one of the senior Forum Administrators I will draft an article outlining the rights of Forum and IRC Admins in relation to the eCanadian government. It will increase the power of the eCanadian government over these administrations while still retaining the overall neutrality that should be inherent in the job of Administrator.

Military Code of Conduct: The military Code of Conduct has largely been outdated and needs serious revisions to deal with real scenarios that can occur within the CAF. Making this part of the constitution will make it easily accessible and far more authoritative in dealing with the Canadian Armed Forces.

The role of Cabinet ministers: Examining the role of MoF in handling the nations finances and its involvement with Congress. As well as whether or not a confirmation process should occur for Cabinet level positions to prevent cronyism and inept cabinet members who endanger the security and efficiency of the eCanadian government.

The rights of Citizenship: In regard to PTO's and persons like Kharchy who were once part of a TO but are now contributing members of Congress. Or other infamous persons such as Adam Sutler and Dean22 and the nature of their citizenship. Enumerating the powers of congress in regards to determining citizenship.

These are but a handful of ideas I have and I am sure just a tiny fraction of what our Congress and Cabinet can create within the first half of a Rearden term.

But what about running the government that we already have?

We face a number of important decisions as a nation especially in the area of Foreign Affairs. I have been watching the debates in congress regarding Canada's future closely and I will assemble a crack team of Canadian Foreign Affairs veterans including the current Prime Minister Bruck as National Security Adviser. His foreign affairs experience is unmatched and his connections will be invaluable in deciding our course of action.

Regarding the economy, I have not chosen a potential successor yet. However they will have a strong knowledge of our current economic goals and the policies we use to obtain them. We will not take large steps in changing the current economic system, unless something major happens. We will work to insure that Canada's best and brightest can operate their companies with some level of profit. We shall ensure Canadians have access to inexpensive goods across all quality ranges and can earn a wage that can lead to greater wealth. The monetary market will be watched very carefully with the goal of preventing large currency value shifts but leaving enough volatility for Canadians to make a profit and increase their own net worth.

The Military Supply Chain will receive an overhaul, the details of which will be developed by my administration and enacted within the first week of my mandate. The goal will be to strike a balance between security and efficiency, centralization and decentralization. It is a lofty goal with a tough deadline but my administration will get it done and ready for congressional approval in 7 days.

I will work with my Foreign Affairs Team to insure a steady stream of military training battles are available, and will put pressure on increased awareness of these battles.

Lastly, I will institute a weekly State of the Nation address where I, and my minister's, say what we have been up to. Including the latest developments and the like. No more Minister of Information to slow the process down, simply me getting a weekly update from my ministers plus what I have done.

The Canadian government has long been dominated by key individuals, it always will be, however, by keeping people informed of ministerial actions and opening up the Constitutional Convention to the public at mid term people can get involved.

Let us enter a new period in Canada, one where the rule of law and the rules of the game work together to insure justice, liberty and prosperity.

Thank you,
Minister of Finance Alexander Rearden.