The REAL reason our retention is terrible

Day 792, 13:39 Published in USA USA by ligtreb

This game is BORING.

There isn't actually that much to do in this game. You can work, train, fight, and if you're lucky, start a newspaper, run for office or start a business.

That's it.

This game is a social strategy game more than anything else. The only reason I keep coming back is the camaraderie I've built up over almost a year in newspapers, on the eUS forums and on IRC. I recommend all US citizens to read newspapers (and start your own if you're interested), check the forums and IRC out on a regular basis. That's where most of this game happens.

Subscribe to all important newspapers. Mine would be nice (hint, hint), but seriously, there's no reason you shouldn't be subscribed to the newspaper of every prominent citizen.


IRC: Either or (joining the rizon server). #eus is the USA's national room, #eus-congress is popular as well, and every party and military branch has its own room.

If you don't take part in newspapers, forums or IRC, this game will get boring quickly. There's not much to actually do in this game.