The Question No One Seems To Ask: Does Fortis Exist? [Canada]

Day 670, 06:23 Published in Canada USA by Daks

I am tired of the media referring to us as Fortis/EDEN and I am so tired of seeing: F/E. Besides many of those allied with the US and Canada are not necessarily part of either Fortis (Formally only the US is part) or EDEN, for example Greece or Switzerland or North Korea. And if are also tired of being refer to as F/E then Vote this up.

By The Way Congrats Canada on your latest Victory and Thank You for all your sacrifice and support.

Does Fortis Exist?

Short Answer: NO!

(We never settled on a logo, cause it never existed, but this was the original)

(This is the one you see on the wiki page of Fortis.)

Jacobi Informed me: Canada did ratify the concept of joining Fortis (the Canadian constitution does not require congressional approval for alliances), but since a treaty was never posted we never signed it. Would have if we could have. 😃

Long Answer: The US has been the only country to approve/sign the Fortis charter. Canada never signed it but approved joining and with the spirit of Fortis we (Thanks mainly to Prez Emerick) forged the Brolliance. But both Spain and Canada are now part of EDEN (Spain has been part since they expanded to cover all of Europe). And Ireland went the way of the UK but unlike the UK it actually stayed neutral, although I can't comment on what side Ireland's citizens are on. So Fortis never actually existed (formally anyways). Sadly it never even got much of a start.

(Notice how the Spanish Flag is in the EDEN logo.)

So my point is: An Alliance can't be a single country.

Fortis went that way of the Dodo, as considered by many of the citizens and officials that are suppose to belong to it. The US is not part of EDEN and doesn't seem to be in our future. Which means we cannot be called EDEN. We are not a global community, such as PEACE; but we are Allies. Since Canada joined EDEN, and no other country is at all interested in joining Fortis, I must push this point (although I may not do it very actively) for the Media to refer to USA and it's allies as just that; The Allies. There is no better description.

The Allies fight for Freedom, Independence, and Each Other. We fight against Imperialism, Tyranny, and Oppression.