The Progression towards Progressive

Day 930, 16:07 Published in USA USA by Joe Newton
It's been an interesting few months. Any newbie reading this no longer knows what the AAP, Democratic Republicans, or USWP are. Or the Libs for that matter. The Top 5 has been replaced with the new parties, with the top dog being us, the APF. At least membership wise. Stormin has set us up a strong foundation, and it is time to build off it. We have many problems to tackle like Recruitment and Retention. I have been thinking about this long and hard, and I think I can lead the APF forward in it's progression towards being progressive. Without further ado--I hereby announce my candidacy for PP of the APF.

The other parties are far ahead with their programs, and we need to catch up. Together we can do it.

You can all go home now. Well actually, you should read about what I want to do first! It would be incredibly irresponsible of me to not tell you these things. I only want your vote if you honestly think I can lead the party into the blinding future, so read on. (Feel free to PM me with any questions!)

The Issues

Mentorship program: We have one, but it needs reform. It's an excellent way for new players to learn. If I had had a mentor when I started out, things would have been a great deal easier. The way the system currently works is quite odd. If a newbie signs up for some gifts more than once they automatically get a mentor. However, I haven't seen a sign up list for the mentors themselves. To make this successful, I want this to either be it's own department with it's own head on the APF Board or an extension of the Militia, where it could specifically be offered. However, I would need to discuss the latter with the Militia leaders (more information forth coming) It would also need some self promotion in our newspaper, which I have specific thoughts on later.

Mass Messaging : We should and need to do it both ingame and on the forums. I want to heavily promote the IRC over the forums, and will try and get people on the IRC as if you can get there, you can get anywhere in eRepublik. For example, I have an account on the UIP forums. Kazeal would mass message the entire forum with information and it would go straight to my email. It was an excellent idea. A new way to do this could be like the old echo system the military used, and the Dems tried. Basically the members are split into divisions and each has a CO and relays messages to them. This again sounds an awful lot like the Militia, so I'll be talking to them about this idea also and getting their thoughts. I wouldn't do anything to any existing institution without talking to them first and getting their thoughts.

Inter-Party Bickering: I'm sick of it. Country first, it's that simple. We're strongest when we're united, and in case you haven't noticed we need to be really united. Serbia had 6,000 voters last election. We had roughly 3000. This at a time when we are trying to take back Lion King.

Party Newspaper: The paper needs to be more active and creative. The current way it's written isn't attractive, and I just happen to be a Media Mogul. Easy enough fix. I'll encourage originality. This position may need it's own Director.

Party Militia: Cool stuff, nothing but impressed here. This is the future of the Party. It both recruits and retains.

Elections: Blocker sheet will open on the 10th and all mobile voters will go to the country, not the party, if the country is in danger. I realize if I preach national unity, I have to walk the walk. The vetting process will be made easier--no interviews. We'll just tack on a few questions to the application form for the new players to see if they can answer basic questions, and if they cannot we'll ask if they want a mentor. We'll do our part.

Leadership: I want to copy the Feds here, and not allow anyone to be in a position of leadership without having them prove they are up for it. It's a great idea, and proved both commitment and worth. Why doesn't everyone do this?

Meetings: I'd like a weekly meeting to keep everyone in line. The Dems did this, so I understand that many people will not be able to come every time, but it was still efficient. Forums based check in, IRC based conversations so we can connect to each other and make the APF the best it can be.

Board System: It would be way cool to have a voting program like Scrabman did in his cabinet. On the forums, and IRC when we meet perhaps, we could take a vote on issues and rule by a simple majority, or 3/4 for big issues.

Inter-party Communications: Jedi Council anyone? Heh, not really.
But inter-party communication is important. We can share ideas on various topics and in general feel like 1 big happy family instead of being angry at each other constantly.

Old Programs: I will continue programs of my predecessor, Stormin, and re-boot the ones that didn't quite take off like a Party Convention on the forums. Also I will encourage IRC activity by actively bribing, threatening and cajoling. Or at least cajoling.

tl;dr version: I will make it my personal quest to re-connect to the members of the APF and try my best to get them active.
I will also be taking a distinctly Game Mechanic approach to being PP, because that is how the game works. It's best to play it the way it is, and not pretend it's something else.

We're gunna be a political party guys.

Qualifications: Former Vice President of the United States
-Founder and Director of the OPO
-Former BOSS of Western Europe
-Media Mogul
-Former Director of Departmental Communication
-Cabinet Member since Josh Frost
-3x Ambassador to Pakistan, Poland and Latvia.
-4 time congressman
-Military Man (TC, Army, A😎
-Former Director of the Pony Express
-Former Executive Board of the USWP
--Former Director of Communication
-Former Game Mechanic Elder
--Former Dem Director of Communication
---Former Dem Elections Coordinator
-Former morale officer in the CVP (lol what?)

I don't think was too, too long.
See ya'll next time, and don't forget to vote Joe Newton on the 15th!

Sign up on the forums and vote here!

"Faith is the acceptance that we can grasp the reality of a truth, not be fully understanding it, but know enough to understand it's right, it works, it's perfect."

Always Remember: Retention and Initiative are the two keywords to a successful eRep nation.

Footnotes: Props to the Federalists and SEES for leading the way in how to run an active party.