The PEACE Invasion of North America and EDEN has UTTERLY Failed

Day 709, 18:04 Published in USA USA by Woxan
108 days ago, PEACE began the invasion of North America by attacking and defeating Canada in Nova Scotia. PEACE planned to wipe out Canada and the United States to give Hungary Diamonds, Oil, and Wood, give the United Kingdom Wood, give Iran Diamonds, give France Oil, Portugal Wood, Russia revenge, and eliminating the EDEN powers in the Western Hemisphere in a planned campaign to wipe out and end all EDEN countries, bringing "PEACE" to the world.

Canada, Spain, North Korea, and Norway were unfortunately wiped out at some time in the war, but they have all emerged stronger and smarter from it. PEACE could never break the steady Croats, and failed to kill the United States when they had the chance.

Let's look at some prominent EDEN/allied countries:


Canada got wiped, but now know the art of war, got a small population boom, and have had a lot economically invested companies (thanks PEACE invaders!). The invasion bridged the gap between EDEN and Canada which was created by the 3rd German-Swedish war.


Spain got wiped. Their wide-spread infrastructure system was wiped, and France obtained Asturias. In invading Spain, France killed their own baby boom and created another. Spain flooded the French media, and got a huge baby boom from Spanish nationalism. They adopted a fortress state from it, and are now stronger than ever before.


Norway was wiped out, but by EDEN, not by PEACE. The battle for Norway demonstrated the superior tactics that EDEN has developed over the course of this war, and how the Russians will stop at nothing, and even make foolish attacks, for the sake of expansion.


Hungary and Serbia, despite the thousands of gold they have spent, have not broken Croatia. Croatia gets a small boom every time the Serbians take a jab, and now have activated MPPs against Serbia and Hungary. If either of those powers ever wane and Croatia remains strong, they have signed their death warrant.

North Korea

The only ally of the USA currently still occupied, North Korea gave up their country to help defend the Untied States. They have now returned, and are off to a booming start. They know where their friends are and know that they will be helped in a time of crisis. Their very existence makes the Russians antsy, and they leave the Russians and Iranians paranoid.


At the beginning of this war, Greece only had 4 regions. Turkey, hoping to snag back the Greek High Iron, paid a hefty price to declare war, and got trumped by basic tactics. The Greeks got a baby boom, their entire country back, and prevent Turkey from going anywhere. They are now rich and a dedicated ally of the United States and EDEN.

The Untied States

We were down to 1 region for a few hours at the darkest hour in this war. France, Colombia, Indonesia, Portugal, and Russia all tried to kill us. They failed. They gave us a baby boom we've been waiting for, vitalized our economy, and made our population more informed than ever. They turned us from a country that screwed around with tax debates, inrastructure, and how Romanians were "evil imperialists" into a world power. The USA now has activated MPPs against Indonesia, France, Colombia, and Russia. PEACE has made the same mistake we once did, they opened up a can of MPPs that will haunt them down the road.

The Big Losers


Indonesia is dieing, rapidly. Their active population is in decline and they were bankrupted in California II. Their empire is in decline and slowly receding. Their American holdings are no more, and WSR, their economy's cog has been returned to Russia. Indonesia has more people leaving than coming in, and must deal with a well equipped EMC and freedom fighters picking away at their declining population.


Paid gold to open up a war on Canada, waited for 24 hours, and lost their American holdings. They've also been known to blow massive amounts of gold on regions with High Grain or no economic value at all. Their empire is beginning a long decline with the loss of NWT.


The Hungarians, who made no solo offensive against the United States or Canada, and lost their offenses on Croatia have lost their High Diamonds, Wood, and Oil regions in less than a week. They have inadvertently turned the USA, Croatia, and Canada into stronger powers, and proven that they can't hold the regions they swapped into. Even after screwing over their allies with threats and forcing them to pay gold, they have lost.

A plan to destroy EDEN has backfired, and turned EDEN and her allies into a much more organized, smarter, and stronger group than ever before.

I reiterate,

The PEACE Invasion of North America and EDEN has UTTERLY Failed