The Origins of the Indo-Phil War

Day 917, 22:15 Published in Philippines USA by Hekter

Given that we now stand on death’s door, it sounds like a really, really good time for reflection on our relationships with our neighbors and various allies.

When PEACE GC existed, Indonesia and the Philippines were on the same side. There were not really formal relations, due to the fear that if the Philippines drew too much attention to itself, the fact that they were in the same alliance would not really matter to the Indonesians. The alliance membership was more about convenience rather than participation, which was remnant of the fact that a good number of the population did not feel strongly about being in either alliance. Still to this day, citizens are not particularly tied to any one alliance, other than the informal one with China and Malaysia of friendship. After PEACE broke up and the Philippines did not join Phoenix, relations were even harder to justify.

During the Indonesia-Malaysian conflicts, the Philippines repeatedly sided with their ally and wargame partner, Malaysia, to the point of even helping them landswap out territories so that they could not be blocked, and Malaysia could once again gain the upper hand, and win back their land. These conflicts, and the Filipino stance on helping their enemy, lead Indonesia to declare war to prevent the Philippines from helping Malaysia indefinitely, during the end of February, launching only one abortive attack on Mindanao, before deciding to focus on other aspects of their crumbling empire instead.

As time went by, Indonesia crumbled and was restricted to Western Australia and its South African holdings for its foreign-land economy. For the most part, Indonesia was considered much less of an issue than they were before, and the Philippine Administration warmed to helping China with its Foreign Invaders problem (Russia, Iran, Indonesia, Hungary, Serbia, etc.) and to the idea of providing a path for the United States to go through China and attack important regions. In response, Indonesia invaded again in March, winning Mindanao for a period of time before relinquishing it in retreat as the Philippines was blocking it from other ventures. During this time, the Philippines signed MPPs with Sweden and Poland to safety it, which, for the most part, worked quite well, however, the cost of maintaining the MPPs while Poland had its own goals and dreams caused it to only last for the original one month. In this time, the US left EDEN formally.

Additional swaps occurred with little fanfare, but when the US began making real moves towards Liaoning, the Indonesian government responded with much more force than ever previously, making their intent to eliminate the Philippines quite clear. Previous to this period, at times the Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs approached the government of the Philippines; however, no settlement was ever able to be reached. Because of the Philippines strictly opposed the imperialist goals for Indonesia in China, Malaysia, and India, as well as the constant harassment and containing wonton desire for the destruction of each of Phil's allies, there was a growing sentiment in the south for the removal of the Philippines as an obstacle from assisting in efforts against Indonesia.

In essence, the Philippines is being destroyed for assisting in the attempted liberation of its friends and allies, against Indonesia’s dream of once again holding an empire in them, which each nation of this region fought against for months, sometimes years, to liberate themselves from the grip of.

If that is not a reason to be proud of why we are so hated, I really am not aware of a reason that is.