The OG: You Can Play On Broken Strings But...

Day 504, 13:18 Published in United Kingdom Romania by BogdanFV
The Truth Hurts Admins, You're SLOW

How many countries have to become playgrounds for blatant political takeovers just because the admin team cannot define what a takeover is?

We've had more and more takeovers in eRepublik that stem from alliance rivalries, game invasion from specific website cliques or simply citizens organizing themselves into plunderering pirates.

What hurts the most to think about is just how apathetic the admin team is in solving and communicating with us about this. How many impeachments of fair heads of state, ridiculous tax proposals, and grand theft does it take to get the point across:


As always, one could criticize but there are many options out there that could have been looked at and already implemented. For one, introduce a citizenship module that clearly the community years for? What? You haven't seen all the articles and threads about this? Let me refresh your memory, citizenship directly corelates to voting rights and if someone moves to a country within two days, guess what, no voting unless they are a citizen! Wow! Let's think about it for six more months!

Don't want to introduce citizenship, that's great! How about balance between branches. In real life, most countries have adopted the "Sober-Second Judgment" policy that works to check the Legislative, Executive and Judiciary Branches.

We have two branches already in eRepublik with President and Congress, all we need is that overdue Justice system to be implemented and look at that! Checks and balances! Congress wants to Impeach a president with a puppet after taking over majority? No go, Supreme Court (appointed) says no.

You may say that's too much bureaucracy, I say its not enough. Its either seven takeovers and impeachments and countries destroyed due to taxes or a more laborous governing process. I'd rather have a country than no country at all!

Checks and Balances as well as Citizenship are two modules that NEED to be implemented, not in two months, not in a month, but starting this week. You had many, many months to accomplish this.

Thanks for reading,
