The New Presidents of Asia

Day 134, 14:28 Published in Japan Japan by Yamato Suzuki
Japan - Yamato Suzuki
As I stated in the [a url=]press release[/a], I'm really glad that I was elected.
You can read more about it there.

South Korea - Quizterr
Quizterr is enthusiastic about the alliance proposal between Japan and South Korea, but we're still waiting for confirmation.
A proposed part of the deal was that Japan does not ally itself without South Korea's opinion/permission and vice versa for South Korea. Quizterr liked this concept idea of MPP loyalty, but we're still waiting for confirmation for this idea aswell.
Because of this deal we're currently prioritizing South Korea to ensure they get their opinions out first.

China - Mina Chang
Despite the tough components, Mina Chang eventually won the Chinese election.
If you read my article from a while back you'd know that Mina Chang was the candidate who wanted peace in China. The other candidate, And1, wanted to unite the Asian countries and invade Europe.
Since Mina Chang won, China no longer has Indonesian influence in their government.
China broke their MPP with Indonesia (the military page is still bugged) but this does not mean that China doesn't want peace with Indonesia.
China has also expressed interest in an MPP with Japan.

Russia - Manifesto
Manifesto has expressed interest interest in China, Indonesia and Japan.
We currently have a MPP with Russia, but as stated earlier, Russia is a risky ally.
Russia has a lot of MPPs, they're a member of the Northern Alliance and the ally of Denmark, Sweden's first target of war.
I messaged Manifesto earlier and he asked us to reconsider cancelling our MPP, but he also understood the situation we're in.
One proposal is that we keep the MPP with Russia and do not get involved with them until a country directly declares war against them.

Indonesia - Isnuwardana
I think most of us recognise Isnuwardana and what a great guy he is.
I'm still questioning the MPP Indonesia has with Pakistan, but unlike the Pakis I don't think Isnuwardana or Indonesia wants to do us or any Asian country any harm.

Thailand - Don Ado
I haven't really heard anything at all from Don Ado, but their active minister, VickyC, has expressed a lot of interest in Japan.
We've talked about a MPP and the same deal we proposed to South Korea, but we haven't come to any conclusion yet.

Australia - Neo26988 (Not Asian at all, but still interesting.)
India - Illuminati
Pakistan - Dio Brando
So far no discussions have taken place.

If Japan, South Korea, China and Thailand together form alliances where one country does not ally another without the others permission, we could very well have made the first "Asian Alliance".
Russia might have to be excluded due to their involvement in the Northern Alliance.