The New Player Guide Program

Day 681, 12:53 Published in South Africa South Africa by Stormclouds
In my previous article I have presented you my idea on a player welcoming and assisting program that could run parallel with the current mentor ship program. I have analyzed you replies, made fine adjustments according to your opinion (that were too few unfortunately), and I can proudly announce that the program will start tomorrow, that's when I will give further details on it.

I would also like to announce that I am looking for two active, and dedicated persons who would help me. I am not looking for geniuses, or eRepublik gurus, and I don't expect you to be online 24 hours day. It's merely sending (copy-pasting) 10-20 messages a day. On the other hand I expect responsible persons. It's not a big deal, but you must do it every day. Not on the first three one, then the fifth, and then announce me you can't do it anymore. So, if you feel you comply with the requirements, and want to help eSA please write a comment here regarding it. It's also an advantage if you aren't really involved in anything else. I don't expect Enoch or Bosch to sign up for this, everyone must do it's own part 🙂

I will run this project personally only until I get two good players to run it, from that point I will move on and only supervise it. I don't want to get tied down with this, I really want to help wherever I can. My next "stop" will be the army, it could be anything from recommending some new techniques and ideas to the eSA army to aiding the creation of a new division. But we'll see that as soon as this project is up and running.

Tip of the day: Be good and press that "work" button every day 🙂
