The national primary and the ATO

Day 981, 23:23 Published in USA Greece by Croatian Foreign Office

Dear friends,

As the proverb says, "May you live in interesting times."

The war continues as always. There is always war, whether it be for domination in the domestic sphere or on the international scene. War keeps us alive in the eWorld. Our daily effort in the war is what defines us, and makes our nations into what they are.

The battlefield of eRepublik on the international level has radically changed. V2 has brought us a turn-based system of game play as opposed to the realtime wall of V1. This change has taken a lot out of the game. One has to be thankful for small mercies though. The admins returned the password to my friend Krems who can now run for President. Is this a sign that admins could actually fix the game? I hope so. If they approved his petition, maybe they'll approve yours. Make sure y'all let the admins know how they can fix the game in the petition section of the forum.

The domestic battlefield remains, as always, a political struggle. Countryman vs countryman, and then the outsiders come and try to take over the political system as well. Our archenemy the Phoenix global alliance is utilizing this strategy well. Indonesia has patiently worked to take over Australia and they now boast 2 treasuries. Serbia worked for a year to TO Bosnia, and they have finally succeeded. Norway, Switzerland, South Africa, and other states are also battling TO's by Phoenix. I guess admins are too busy to ban multies.

USA has always been the new world leader in ATO's, and I'm glad that our friends in America have come up with a plan once again. The national primary that USA is going to hold on August 2nd will be the de facto presidential election before the in-game election on August 5th. According to the national primary results done over a site that uses eRepublik API (1 vote per 1 eRep account), the nation will have a national unity candidate on the ballot on August 5th, while the other candidates will be blocker candidates.

This is absolutely fantastic. It will free up many voters to participate in ATO operations in Croatia and elsewhere. I am hopeful that other EDEN states can develop similar plans, so we can start to take back the new world. Our side was dominant in V1, and we will be dominant in V2.

As you know, Croatia was wiped out for Congressional Elections, so now anyone that moves to Croatia until August 25th will get the Croatian citizenship automatically upon applying. We expect up to 3 thousand Phoenix soldiers to take the Croatian citizenship. We need our allies to outnumber Phoenix in this department. Once you take the Croatian citizenship, be sure to keep it until the Croatian political system is safe once again.

This danger that is posed by our enemies will only serve to unite our countries in an effort to expel the invaders and take back our world. By concentrating on foreign threats, we will unite our countries domestically, and we will grow stronger. This is our world.

You know, the Phoenix like every other bird flies around and grabs its prey. But every so often even the greatest bird will grab something that will bite the bird and tear it apart. It happens when the bird holds the prey in its claws close to the heart.

--Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, ShadowMJ