The mystery of missing babies (updated!)

Day 801, 23:40 Published in Malaysia New Zealand by Carr De Vaux

Update 1: I know where they went! They all went to eUSA to support Zoli's Country Presidency bid! OMG! If you don't know why this is a big news - it is time you start reading some wiki-page and international news.

Update 2: An interesting take on how we can retain new-players - Role Playing - by ww88 (though he was alittle serious for me) and from St Krems (must read!)

In the past ten days, eMalaysian citizens number has gone from 1752 (21st Jan 2010) to 1624 (Jan 26) before having a mini-boom (when we conquered the two philiphines territories) to 1836 on 28th Jan 2010. However, that boom was immediately wiped out (as we returned the regions to Philiphines) and today our population stands at 1548. Barely a month ago our population peaked at 2060 when natamhanjing/vikta babyboom brought about the last batch of 'newbies'. In a bigger picture, we are now back to the pre-Oct 2009 numbers when eMalaysia were going through several cycles of baby booms and large migration from other nations.

Citizen Statistics data available here

I call this the mystery of the missing babies....Where art Thou, babies...?

clockwise from the baby with lots of hair:
Nagyzee the wise, Vikta the chubby, Fragreg the baby with the handgun, ww88 the baby with Godly aspiration, pruscok/tamingsari the baby when eGod took her away, eXom7/pantherthug/(anyone in omnicorp) the baby with an attitude, and lastly seanlam/natamhanjing/cct the cute baby.

Interestingly, someone highlighted the mysterious disappearance of FUP from the game as well. Are the two cases related? Hahaha. X-files!

ps: everyone should take a chill pill too! weeee......

Carr de Vaux