The Mutinous Ink #1 - The Failure.

Day 1,896, 07:29 Published in USA USA by The Big Punk

Dear readers this is my first article after my attempt to introduce myself via the newspaper so enjoy.
The Mutinous Ink issue #1 - The Failure.

Dear readers, all the e-nation is confused with our President strategies.
It is crystal clear that we are going to joining forces with CoT,but is this the best option for the e-USA?In my point of view becoming a CoT's member is a big fat mistake.In addition the region of Balkan is a key area in eRepublik and now we can grab the opportunity that Greece and Turkey are allies and we might have a change to dislocate Serbia from the map. Our nation strategies must be escalated around US benefits and not around our President's political games.

On the one hand CoT does not have any powerful members except F.Y.R.O.M and Bulgaria which is actually why they need us to join their alliance. On the other EDEN has more powerful member like Greece,Turkey and China.My point is that if we join EDEN as soon as possible we might have a chance of rising and not a chance of being used by allies.

I hope that the President is going to change his mind and realise the best for this country and stop acting against the will of e-US citizens.

Goodmorning America.
-The Big Punk