The Morning After

Day 908, 01:26 Published in USA Pakistan by Joshua Patterson

Today, day 907, the eUS experienced a wonderful journey of love, desperation, and activation of trap cards.

NOTE: No one else in SEES knows my complete plan :3

But in this article, I’m more concerned with the accusations against SEES due to what we did today. I drafted up this plan around the start of the month, with Publius running in the APF, me in the SEES party, GF in the UIP, Tom_McDougal in the LIBS, and someone in the Republican Party. In doing so, I wanted to see how parties would react, what they would do, what they would say, etc… So, that was my original plan, well things change. The biggest being MM2 running for the APF, but I’ll touch up on that later.

So first, I wanted the candidates in the above parties with someone doing a PTO of the Republicans. I wanted to see how our parties work under pressure, where they prioritize things, and in general, what they wanted. So GF signed up for the UIP, Tom didn’t want to run for the LIBS since he’s a girl so he made Onishi do it (in hindsight, the LIBS suck so it wasn’t necessary, meh), I ran in SEES, and it ended up being Porter who ran in the Republicans, after I asked in the White House who the official candidate was. There was none, so we needed one, I originally had Choc in mind, then Choc suggested a Fed, so I suggested Alexander Hamilton, THEN Choc asked Porter since he was an independent and radiated Conservative values. So he ran and he hasn't stopped creaming himself.


Getting someone for the APF was different, I needed someone who could scare them but yet, couldn’t win even if we tried. Publius wanted to run and Publius is one of the greatest men I know, so I said cool. He was going to run regardless of what I wanted, but he worked. So, a few days later, my plan is ready. I tell Necrosis to publish an article early, one because he wanted reactions before he went to bed, and two, it let some tempers start. I believe at this time, everyone was in place but Publius.

Nearly a few hours after, the APF tells everyone that they won’t help in the PTO/ATO efforts since we have someone running in their party, hence, “You’ve activated my trap card.” We didn’t even have a candidate in place, and they were the only party to freak out, even with nearly a thousand more members than the 2nd place party. Great, my plan ended up making the APF look horrible once again which wasn’t that hard. Some words and they want to destroy the world to keep their party.

We nagged him a little, which helped, but eh, he kept telling us no, and I'm sure you know what no means. What I didn’t count on was old APF members (the DERPs who were driven out by USWP 2.0) and other APF board members who pushed MM2 to run which was the final straw for MM2. Suddenly, in the SEES cool chan, he posts the election link, while I was just telling Publius to run. I lol’ed so hard. So, MM2 thought it would be fun to mess with folks who left him to die after some others stabbed him in the back. His 250 gold they used for ads was still cool though. So, moving past the past and trusting our peers, we decided to work with him. We never sent him votes but he got a cool border. But what people keep pointing out is that “If SEES wanted APF to help, why run a candidate there?” and other stuff. So, time to explain ^-^

Like a zombie, kills all that it touches

I never had any intention of voting for any of the candidates, if the candidates from us got any votes, that was from the party itself, not us. Only 18% of the SEES party voted in its own election so let’s say 35% are USWP zombies and 15% are dead which gives us ~32% of people (counting people out of party, that adds another 50 people so about 40😵 who moved which is ~250 people. We had our election orders set to PTO Ajay with Porter or halfie, so logically; we couldn’t have PTO’ed a party (well we could have, but we would have won one if we did 😁) while doing PTO stuff even if we tried. Lucky for me, the other parties didn’t think logically and just called it a PTO from SEES.

Out of this whole thing, my favorite party was the UIP. They were willing to lose their party to stop Ajay, and Necrosis somehow got votes and didn’t lose by a lot like every other candidate. He is like an anti-vote magnet, ask GLaDOS when he is totez krund. Anyway, that showed that the UIP is willing to give up its only possession to stop Ajay. The LIBS voted for Dennis like wildfire, he lead by like 100 votes so that was a waste but eh, it’s the LIBS. I really didn’t expect much else. The Feds are bro and the APF did terrible obviously. What’s funny is the only thing MM2 did that was related to SEES was that border and telling us thirty minutes before reset, which I shooped for him to troll people. It obviously worked. If MM2 almost won, that was your party’s votes, not SEES.

Also let it be shown that even without the APF help, we stopped Pizza on three fronts. There were two other HIGHLY SUSPICIOUS PARTIES BUT NOT IMPLYING THEY WERE HIS MULTIES RUNNING and SEES put forth the candidates and votes (along with Feds to halfie) to stop him.

Ask questions or whatever in the comments, I’m all ears ^-^