The Ministry of Trade: The Wheels Are Finally Turning!

Day 694, 13:05 Published in South Africa South Africa by Frank Furglar

Hello Citizens,
Many of you may wonder, what is the Ministry of Trade? We are one of the quietest ministries in the country at the moment (something soon to change), however, we have spent the last month working on many policies and are ready to announce our taxation recommendation to the Minister of Finance within the next 48 hours, this could see some pretty serious changes implimented into the taxation system.
Today, I come to you with information about the Ministry and the job positions which are now open, and also, with something I think our diamond exporters will be very interested in, the Ministry of Trade has detailed the top 10 countries nationally to export your diamonds to! (Based on market saturation and international taxation data). So, without further ado, here is your first Ministry of Trade update.

Firstly, most of you will be wondering, what, aside from denouncing silly tax proposals, does the Ministry of Trade do? Here is a nice compacted list for you all:

- Collect global taxation data for local exporters
- Deal with embargoes (Should one be imposed)
- Monitor market prices and intervene when neccessary (with congressional approval)
- Encourage neccessary imports for the benefit of the economy
- Make monthly taxation recommendations to the Ministry of Finance (concentrating a lot of effort onto import tax)
- Offer help and advice to local businesses
- Communicate with economists globally to ensure that eSouth Africa is recieving the best deal possible when it comes to imports

Obviously, the Ministry of Trade is a vital part of the eSouth African government and will continue its dilligent work in providing such a service to the population of eSouth Africa. However, currently we're only a one man operation, so I am opening up the floor to those who are enthusiastic to make a difference in our fine land. The Ministry of Trade is looking for the following:

Head of Domestic Trade (Deputy Minister of Trade)
The Head of Domestic Trade has an important job, looking after compilation of the taxation recommendations and the collection and compilation of market figure data, a vital task within the Ministry which requires strong committment and hard work. The Head of Domestic Trade must make themselves available to communicate with businesses whenever possible and to be able to offer help and advice concerning business issues. Previous experiance in business and economics would be preferable but all applicants considered.

Head of International Trade Affairs (Deputy Minister of Trade)
The Head of International Trade Affairs shall be looking after the compilation of international taxation data and the encouragement of imports/exports to the right places, this person must also obviously keep a keen eye upon the current market. This is a job which requires strong committment and hard work, however, it is a very important service to the Ministry and the population of eSouth Africa. Previous experiance in business and economics would be preferable but all applicants considered.

Now, as promised, the first Ministry of Trade release does consist of the 5 taxation heavens for diamonds (based upon market saturation and taxation data (and, obviously, raw material presence)):

1. France, Pop. 8614, Diamond Import tax, 1%, Market Saturation: Low but improving, Potential Market Outlook: Excellent.
2. United Kingdom, Pop. 7488, Diamond Import tax, 1%, Market Saturation: Low, Potential Market Outlook: Excellent.
3. India, Pop. 651, Diamond Import tax, 0%, Market Saturation: Very Low, Potential Market Outlook: Very Good.
4. Israel, Pop 633. , Diamond Import tax, 1%, Market Saturation, Very Low, Potential Market Outlook: Good.
5.Austria- Pop. 426, Diamond Import tax 0%, Market Saturation: Very Low, Potential Market Outlook: Very Good.

Hopefully, these will be of some use to you diamond exporters out there! If you're interested in job jobs advertised previously, please, send me a PM, I don't bite! All applications will be considered. Thankyou for reading,
Frank Furglar
eSouth African Minister of Social Affairs and Trade
The Ministry of Trade- Keeping eSouth Africa Moving