The Military Module

Day 972, 16:56 Published in Ireland Ireland by Brendan C">

Today the new military module was released. In my [url=]last article[/url] I wrote about V2 so far and my predictions about what the military module would be like, and today I’m writing about what it’s like to use the military module.

What it’s like to play:
I actually like it a lot more than I thought I would, I think the length between turns is too long if you’re in a rush, but it is entertaining to play, and if you want to do something else while fighting you can, because it makes a noise at the end of each turn, so you know when to come back to the battle (so the admins do think about us).
Of course there is still that button at the bottom to buy wellness packs, and if you want to start off the next day at 100 wellness then you will need to buy one, but at least we aren’t being completely screwed over because if your wellness drops below 40 then it is brought back up to 40 and you can fight again (this can be done 3 times a day). And at the end of the day your wellness will be brought up to 70 if it drops below that (which it will), this also helps noobs - who will have low wellness.

Since there were no battles in Ireland I flew to Romania to fight in the battle between USA and Russia (the battle for Washington). Here are some screenshots of the battle.
Sorry but you have to click on the link (I can’t get them to come up as pictures).

This is the basic screen after you have deployed.

After about 10 seconds I come across my first bug (Is that a record??)
For the rest of the battle, though everything goes smoothly 😃

When you click on a tile and hit the “more info” button on the bottom of the screen this pops up. Here you can see what type of soldier gains a defense bonus in this terrain e.g. helicopter, tank etc. It also shows you how many of each type of soldier there is on this tile, and if you press the “citizen” tab you can see the skill level and rank of everybody on that tile. This is useful when you are deciding where to attack.

When you go to attack someone you see this screen. You pick who you want to fight and what booster you want to use.

Sometimes when you try to attack someone somebody else has picked them first and so you don’t actually fight them but you lose 10 wellness and you gain rank and skill points.

This is just the defence screen, here you pick a defence booster.

When you do attack somebody properly this is what you see.

And then when you lose hopelessly and your wellness drops to 20 it looks a little like this 🙁

And at the end of it all you will probably have wellness around this level, at least it will be back to 70 tomorrow 😃

I really like this new way of fighting, and I think it makes the game a lot better. For me it is probably the best thing about V2. I think a lot of people who might have been thinking about quitting (including myself) will stay in the game because of this, also the economy seems to have stabilized a bit and people are used to the new formulas so there are more jobs on the market. I have to say I’m even warming up to the new economic module.

Help struggling citizens:
This isn’t about the military module but I thought it would be a good idea. Everybody who is able to keep their happiness and wellness up, post a comment saying your routine for the day – how many hours you spend relaxing, training etc. then anybody who can’t seem to keep their wellness and happiness up can see how it’s done.
For example (this is my routine)

Working: 4 hours
Training: 11hours
Studying: 0 hours
Relaxing: 9 hours

Foo😛 6 wellness
3 happiness
House: 2.6 wellness
2.6 happiness

If you post your daily routine use this format

Thanks for reading

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Brendan C

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