The lost continent of Atlantis

Day 545, 18:21 Published in Canada Canada by Keldire

Well here we all stand at the edge of the precipice. Atlantis has fallen or at the very least ceased to function as an alliance. We have internal squabbles that further hurt our cause and the sad fact is that we are now on our own until either Atlantis recovers or folds and we move on.

I find myself torn in the Germany/Sweden conflict. I am new to eRepublic and have not witnessed any of the things that both sides are claiming. To be honest I really don’t care. We live in this moment and not the past. We must learn from the past but we must also carry on. To hold past wrongs against each other is to hinder any forward progression and thus our alliance will be forever a failure. Until Atlantis recovers we must do what suits us best. At the moment there is no Atlantis.

Romania has surrendered and perhaps for good reason. However I doubt that a boycott will work in their favour. There are too many people who will still buy gold and still play the game. I don’t have the answer but to give up everything and fold is not the way to go. There will always be people to replace those that leave and unfortunately I have little faith that their tactics will force any real change. I honestly hope I am wrong.

The Swedes may have done many things for Atlantis, I am not here to argue that point but I must ask... Why throw it all away? With Romania down and out they are in the position to take the reins and lead us as a figurehead for the alliance. Instead they choose to destroy all they have helped build. Why not push for a vote to have Germany’s membership dissolved? They could then do as they wished without going against the other members of Atlantis. Assuming Sweden won the vote of course.

As a nation, eCanada needs to pull together. In the eworld all we can count on are our fellow ecanadians. We must prepare for the worst and hope for the best. We must strengthen our resolve and be watchful for those who would take advantage of the current situation. Whatever we chose we must do it for eCanada’s future and the future of all the people who call eCanada home.

We have some important choices to make regarding our stance on world issues right now. The choices we make today will mark us for a long time to come. Make sure you know who your are voting for. Their choices are going to be your choices. If eGermany is any indication, we will be held accountable for those choices for a very long time to come!