The Liberty Gift Project

Day 587, 21:09 Published in Austria South Korea by Ambrose Didymus

In a previous article, I reported that 35% (35 out of 99) of active eAustrians had less than 40 wellness.

Although the war games with eHungary boosted the average eAustrian wellness, the number of citizens with under 40 wellness is still 35% (43 out of 120).

This is because citizens must have at least 40 wellness to participate in the war games. These citizens will continue to be left behind until something is done to remedy the situation.

Liberty Gifts is my attempt to resolve this issue.

All products generated by Liberty Gifts will be used to boost the wellness of those who don't have enough to participate in War Games.

The goal of this project is to get to a stage where no active eAustrian has less than 40 wellness.

I anticipate that this will take approximately 1 week, after which, Liberty Gifts will continue to operate as a for-profit enterprise.

If you have reasonably high manufacturing skills, and feel that you can offer something to this project, please apply for a position now! Even if it is only for a quick 1-day stint (Apply --> Work --> Ask me to fire you).

This is a community-styled approach to a community-styled problem and is a reminder to you all that government does not need to be involved in order to solve community problems.

Every individual can make a difference - especially you.