The Legacy of the Twentieth Century ...:::

Day 563, 23:47 Published in North Korea Brazil by Celio Azevedo

"We are all sons of the cosmos, but we become strangers in through our knowledge and our culture." Edgar Morin

During the twentieth century, the world was divided between two schools of economic power, social and ideological one hand, the U.S. as world power reaffirming its influence by other countries in the world, determining the capitalist way of life by another, the countries of the socialist bloc headed by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, trying to spread Communism throughout the world.

Of the thousands of deaths of Jews and democrats killed in Nazi concentration camps, who wanted to build a "pure race", and the Soviets, who wanted to build socialism, there was also the inevitable conflict between these two powers could only coexist peacefully, since the two sides of the world divided in two intensively producing atomic weapons generating fear and uncertainty for thousands of people around the world, because a nuclear war could destroy the entire human species.

The legacy of this dispute has left us the understanding that human evolution is the growth of the power of death. Thus, to overcome this period which Morin calls barbarism we must recognize their dual heritage, the legacy of death and legacy of the birth.

Today, besides the risk of nuclear war, we face many dangers such as global warming, environmental degradation, the end of the ozone layer, and the world also faces problems with the onset of AIDS, a pandemic that kills million people in the world is already decades.

Death won space in our lives, the self-destructive feelings that were already latent in a way were finally activated due to the use of hard drugs that relieve the loneliness and distress, caused by a world which is increasingly encourages competition.

Edgar Morin makes us realize that there are no laws of history that will inevitably guide us to a place, a radiant future, and that no democracy can trump card in any way, be ultimately ensured that the industrial development can be harmful to the environment planet's environment and culture and the civilization of well-being can generate the same time the malaise. So, if we still think that way the modernity is dead.

Celio Azevedo.
Journalist and University Professor in RL.
(Text from my scientific academic work)