The Leadership Myth

Day 906, 22:40 Published in USA USA by Caden Cotard

It’s been a while since I’ve released my last article. I apologize to my readers. It’s been a busy month for many of you, myself included. I was offered a cabinet position in the Harrison Richardson administration. I was very surprised and honored to be considered for that. The position has been keeping me busy enough, but I also have been wrapping up my University classes in Ireland. I just completed my last final exam, and will be on my way back to the states on the 27th. I have a lot more free time now, as most of my friends here are leaving the country.

I want to take a few minutes to address the myth that seems to be quite popular right now. Some like to say you have to be “one of the elites” to be given a leadership role or see any responsibility. This is dead wrong. I, for instance, have a cabinet level position. Unless I’ve been invited to any secret clubs without my knowing recently, I’m not one of the “elites” that everyone complains about. They “club” that is frequently referred to is a ridiculous idea. The same people keep getting positions because they’re reliable and forward with the work they do. New players need to take initiative in order to get involved.

Do you want a leadership position in the game? All you have to do is ask. Ask if you can do some government work. If you’re sincere and a hard worker, you’ll get some work to do. It may be a menial job at first, but from there you’ll start meeting people and making friends. It’s exactly like real life, in that if you have a good attitude, work hard, and take a little initiative, you’ll go far.

The same applies for your party. Many parties in the US have a ton of positions available for new players. My party, the Federalists have many programs that need the help of both new and experienced players. If you come willing to work, you’ll find yourself moving up in the ranks pretty quickly. That’s my favorite part of being a Fe😛 If you don’t do work, you won’t have a leadership position. We have no “council of elders,” which does nothing for a party except resist change. You have to put in the work to get the rewards.

It’s easy for some people to sit on the sidelines and complain that they never get asked to help. Those people do this because they lack the initiative to get up, bug people, and get themselves a job. Don’t be like that. Work your way up, it’s what makes this game fun. Whether it’s the military, political parties, or the government, if you put in your hours, you’ll see a reward.

Before I sign off, one quick side note: I made myself some graphics. They’ll be more coming in the future. I’m trying to get a good format for my newspaper to make it more readable, as I intend to be publishing more frequently. I also am interested in doing some graphics work for Erep gold. If you have a job or questions or anything, drop me a PM.