The Just Cause Party!

Day 1,229, 16:29 Published in Egypt Egypt by ReconWarHawk

Approximately one month ago I proposed the idea of a eEgyptian right wing party. For the past month my associates, especially Gunshot3000, and I have been hammering out the details for our the new party's basic platform.

Introducing the Just Cause Party:

We will not be running for CP this week because it is a little late and, without giving an endorsement, we have decided to support one of the current candidates.

Now our basic party platform is as follows:

V.A.T - Worst thing in the history of the world. For raising government funds its great but it destroys the economy and especially the poor. Our party will never endorse any VAT.

Income Tax - The Income Tax is vital to government fund, it should be kept at a low to moderate level. Income Taxes will be kept low when possible but in times of national emergency or approaching debt we do endorse raising the tax as part of comprehensive reform.

Import Tax - We cannot suffocate eEgypts economy while it is in the cradle. Opening our markets to the world will fuel competition but if unchecked will ruin local businesses and soon the average citizen. Import taxes should be higher than income taxes but an extreme rate of 99% hurts international trade and will not be endorsed. We do prefer a graduated import tax instead of a flat one protecting our most important industries.

Offensive Military - eEgypt should endeavor to gain land whenever possible, it is essential that we receive our land back from eGreece. If a new resistance war breaks out we will encourage immigration to the zone prior to the war to participate in the resistance.

Defensive Military - In times of National Crisis eEgyptians have been famous for providing for themselves and others. However it is not enough if an enemy has the advantage of surprise. We advocate setting aside budget to distribute food and weapons to civilians for defensive wars only. Wars of aggression will be fought at the individual, army, or philanthropist costs.

Treaties - We are hesitant to enter any major alliances. Brazil and Croatia have been great allies but they open the door to making us targets of international conflicts. We are against joining any of the major alliances and no reasonable regional alliance has emerged. We will take the lead steps to form a regional alliance with eEgypt as a leading member.

Population Growth:
All current members are active recruiters, though not always successful, of our friends, families, and colleagues. We will bring about great population through social media and word of mouth.

Our Motto:
Whatever doesn't kill me better be able to run damn fast

Official Songs:
The Start of War

Finally our members do not wish to send all of their money into the party while eEgypt's allies are at war. We are currently ten gold short of our dream, with ReconWarHawk leading the pack in donations. If anyone is interested please donate gold so less of the burden can be placed on ReconWarHawk and he can contribute more to the war.