The India of my Dream -- A short Manifesto

Day 1,287, 13:56 Published in India India by Lord Bernin

Hello friends,

I have been chosen by my Party President Master Sree Likith1 to represent Yuuva in the forthcoming Presidential election.
I am sorry to my party members who might not like my contesting for the third time.

I guess most of you know me now. I have had a long history here. The senior players know me well. After being hyperactive for a while, the new players also know me well. 🙂


Disclaimer: (Just for fun)
1. I will not use "If I get elected" after every line.
2. The Cabinet is not final. People from both parties are invited to apply through Private messages.
3. This is a game but it has an element of real life, so don't play it, PLAY it.
4. If I get elected 😉 , then I will edit the New citizen message on the first day to make it newbie friendly.
5. Don't think that this short article is all I want to say. There will be a series of them starting tomorrow. Stay TUNED 😛 .

What all I have done till date-

1) 14 times Congress member.

2) 2 times Party President ( Last term Yuuva and 1st President of Democratic Party of India)

3) Minister of Internal Affairs in David Forde's term.

4) Served as ambassador in all continents except Antarctica 😉

5) Present Director of Indian News Agency

6) 2 times President contender.

7) Co-Founder of the Tricolor Group

😎 Traveled all over the New World

My Cabinet will have the following members-

Minister of Foreign Affairs
Minister of Defense
Minister of Finance
Minister of Expansion (Reserved)
Minister of Internal Affairs (Reserved)
Presidential Advisor (Reserved)
Deputies to all ministers
Sardar of National Citizenship Watchdog
A jury panel for Bharat Ratna

All active citizens are invited to send me a private message if they wish to know in detail about my objectives or to get a post in my cabinet. The cabinet list will be made public partially on Day 1288 of The New World. The more crucial posts will be declared after the election.

Till then I will be holding a bet on the Forum as to who will get the crucial posts, so enjoy till the mystery unfolds.

This term I have decided not to have a Vice President for the simple reason that I am free all time for this month and a VP is not actually needed. Still, if my seniors agree to help me, then I will have one.

My Stand on Foreign Affairs-

My stand on this most important topic will again be NEUTRAL. I will never close doors for allies. most importantly, I will do what is good for eIndia in the long term. My stand on recent Pakistan issue is that what we did was right in that situation but how we did that was wrong.

Also by the time most of the people read this article Australia would have been wiped off the map. I suppose an Indonesian attack on India is quite imminent. We have to be ready for it. Load your guns and sit at the border. (PS I don't mean that move to Tamil Nadu 😉 )

I will look forward to strengthening ties with Indonesia, Iran and Russia. Whatever happens, I will never go against Bulgaria who has proved to be a dependable ally.

My major goals for this term will be-

1) Organizing wars to remove the boredom of people. Retention of players is more important than getting new players.

2) Maintaining a stable, disciplined and active army.

3) Involving maximum number of citizens in running the government by setting up positions for Secretaries to each Department to make future ministers ready for their term.

4) Initializing the Bharat Ratna awards. I proposed this last time too but I was not elected 🙁

Bharat Ratna looks like this 😉 -

There will be 3 awards, 1 each in the following categories:

i) Best writer (1000 INR)
ii) Best Social Worker (1500 INR)
iii) Best Planner (3 gold)===> I am open to receiving advice from people throughout my term.

The first 2 awards will be judged by an appointed jury without my intervention.

5) Setting up an emergency INR fund of 80,000 INR to be used in case the country falls and needs INR to start Resistance Wars. This will be sufficient to start 8 Resistance Wars.

6) Setting up a Newbie training center which will have my Q5 food company and other government resources at its disposal. (Proposed by my dear Bulgarian friend Svobodna)

7) Getting a team to advertise the game on Indian sites like ,,, . Also making a video about eIndia and posting it on youtube.

😎 Make this term different from the last 2 terms. I was bored really and do not want you all to be now.

I wish to have a chance to change eIndia.
I wish to have a chance to run eIndia my way.
I wish to be above party politics once.

I am highly influenced by maám RD1234's words, "Politics isn't about a single party, nor is it about feelings, its about who's better"

To make a Change, you have to be a part of it. Your Vote is your power. Use it wisely.

Make a difference!

If you are bored, VOTE FOR ME
If you want a change, VOTE FOR ME
If you want to see a better India, VOTE FOR ME
If you want an online President, VOTE FOR ME
If you want to e-Sleep with peace, VOTE FOR ME
If you want to have fun, VOTE FOR ME
If you have nothing to do, VOTE FOR ME
In all other cases, still VOTE FOR ME

Thank You for your time, Please vote and subscribe.

~Anant Singhal
Presidential Candidate
.....Changing the way eIndia thinks.....