The How-to-vote Tutorial

Day 855, 01:40 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by JNArno
Hi everyone.

On this edition of The Leman Observer,
there will be no propaganda, except the usual Gruyère one but just some information on how to vote well tomorrow.

What I'm going to say applies only if you want to support a party. If, in your mind, you have only one guy that you like in eSwitzerland and that you want to vote only for him, what I'm going to say is useless for you. Let me just remind you that one guy alone can't do anything in congress and that your vote will be more important if you take one minute to think a little bit before voting.

First of all, the basics: you can vote only for the people who are running in the region were you're living. What to do if all the candidats of the party that you like have enough votes? Usually, the main parties have some MT for the people who want to move to vote. For the Resistance side, you can contact me or Penguin4512, for the Shaolins, try to reach Arschmann, Clifford Burns or Walther Rathenau.

Now you're going to ask me how you can know if someone is safe or not? In eRepublik, it's not possible with your citizen, but there is other websites where you can find out. The one I use is In it, you can see the results even if you didn't vote. Like that, you'll be able to see who needs vote and who is safe. There is also another way but this one is not 100% certain. A lot of safe candidats will use this avatar:

If you see this, don't vote for the guy even if some ads are running saying to vote for him, they are usually paid by the other side to waste some votes. Not a nice thing to do, but it works! If you still don't know who needs the most the votes, the leaders of each sides are here to help you. I will be on IRC (chan #eSwitzerland on Rizon) from 00:00 eRep time until at least 16:00 or 17:00 and some other will be there for the rest of the day, if you want to vote for the other side try to reach them by PM or to go on their chan (#eCH), I don't know what they'll do, maybe you'll find out in the comments.

Ok, now you know exactly how to vote but you may want to do something more? Hold your vote, this is the key of a congress election and this is why the Shaolins won the last ones. As they are better organised, the Resistance side is usually ahead until the last hour where most of the Shaolins vote. Even if you don't wait that long, wait a bit. You wanted to start your day by voting? I suggest you to finish it that way.

So, to summarize:
1. You can vote only in the region were you're living, if you want to move, contact the leaders of your side.
2. Use, contact the leaders to know who needs vote and if someone has a &quot😉on't Vote" avatar... you know what to do.
3. Hold your vote as much as you can.

If someone has something to add, do it in the comment!

Thank you for your time, and, YES, this was Gruyère Propaganda!

Beware : I’m out of control

Citizen of eSwitzerland - JNArno - Elected President of eSwitzerland