The Hospital in Western Siberian Region

Day 707, 19:48 Published in Russia Peru by MoredanKantose

I will repeat it here, just for the case:

We owe eIndonesia a hospital and a defense system.

They would prefer money instead. Strongly. Because this is what actually they approved (why we and they approved a different thing, was explained already in this newspaper and in other press declarations).

They have made the offer to accept 350 Gold instead of the hospital and the defense system. That is, 350 Gold instead of both. If we pay 350 Gold, we do no longer need to give them a hospital and a defense system.

This offer is completely official, but it may not last long. If we reject it, they may ask later for the objects, or for 700 Gold instead.

Our treasury has more than 17.700 Gold right now:
- eRussian Fund: 8371 Gold + 20570 USD + 814 RUB > 8800 Gold
- Russian Treasury: 7060 Gold + 13300 RUB + 10574 NOK and more, above 7800 Gold in total.
- Russian Ministry of Defence: 430 Gold + 8870 RUB > 800 Gold.
- The Central Bank of the Russia: 277 Gold. The only money I control, and I need it to be as ready as possible for attacks or other operations. The Treasury owes me money, it should have 572.
- Russian State Property: 4400 RUB, that is 154 Gold.

{UP😨 I said 20.000 Gold, I am surprised, I ask myself where the rest is gone, there were about 30.000 Gold some weeks before... some people are depleting the treasury while they attack me?}

In the moment that the Junta, the Treasury or whoever... pays eIndonesia 350 Gold, and providing they also pay the seller of the hospital, I am ready to install a hospital in Western Siberian Region. They do not need to send me a single ruble. Only the National Bank of Indonesia, and the seller.

I am just waiting that they do.

If you want a hospital in Western Siberian Region soon, I recommend that you write to (in this order):
- Orda: Former Chairman of Finance, the Treasury keepers will obey him even if he is right now legally nobody and there is no reason in the Treasury Contract why they should have to wait for his permission. If there is a "tyrant" in eRussia is him, who controls 17.000 Gold without having any legal postition at all, and not me, a President who controls only some buttons and 270 Gold I need, to be ready for attacks.
- borges16: Treasury keeper of eRussian Fund.
- Carmagnola: Treasury keeper of Russian Treasury.
- Kalimbo: Leader of the Junta, controls the money of the "Russian Ministry of Defence" and has enough influence to move borges16 to send the money.
- Romool: Member of the Junta, Commander, has enough influence to move the things and is informed about all this.

{Update} Of course all the people who can send this money know where to send it: To the National Bank of Indonesia. I told them with the presence of the press: Ask sasha237 and / or cornwell .

{Update 2} Thank you all people who made intelligent questions, so that I could improve this article.

Best regards.
