The Homonavian Union

Day 1,146, 09:50 Published in Australia Australia by Kelzing

The Homonavia Union

What is the Homonavia Union?

The Homonavia Union is the union between of Denmark and Sweden.

Why did this happen?

Sweden and Denmark decided to come together as one because of the fact that Denmark has been constantly been PTOed. Therefore, Sweden came in to help Denmark and they liberated all the Denmark regions. After that the Homonavian Union was created and Denmark and Sweden came together as one.

Sweden Forces coming to help Denmark

This change is major for these two countries. To give Aussies a little more insight on this event I have prepared this interview.

Interview with Valnad

Q: About what time did talks about the Homonavian Union start?

A: There's been talks about this throughout the last year or so, but they were never meant to be taken serious until the most recent PTO took place. So one might say that things went rather fast after the CP election where a Croatian forced his way to the throne against the will of the Danish people (and by considerable help of plenty multi account).

Q: Do you feel that the Homonavian Union is the best thing for Denmark and Sweden in their current stage and why?

A: I honestly do, yes. The Danes can recoup without having to lose time, assets and motivation fending of yet another PTO group. Meanwhile, the PTO:ers have to start looking elsewhere for a country to overthrow. Of course, it's hard to say how much the Danish community suffers from it, but the union has major support from both Swedes and Danes and we'll work side by side, trying to find a solution that serves both our people as best can be.

Q: Will Denmark ever be a working country again?

A: I'm sure they'll have, but it's getting increasingly difficult to recruit new players to this game. The competition is fierce and Denmark isn't a very large country IRL either. Like Swedes, they don't use multi farming or other dodgy tactics that we see several other countries applying on a daily basis to get ahead... but having said that, I still hope that we'll see the Kingdom of Denmark reinstated in a not-to-distant future.

Q: What are the basics of how things work inside a Union such as the Homonavian Union? (things like how do the leaders get chosen, voting, and other things like that)

A: We haven't really worked out the details yet, but meanwhile I consider Danes and Swedes as equals and should a Dane apply for the government and his/her credentials are good enough to pass the requirements, I wouldn't hesitate one second to welcome then into the government. Everyone is of course free to apply for congress seats and involve themselves in the politics. The Danes have their own squad in The Swedish Military force and have representatives there that helps our military officials to keep track of who's Danish and who's a multi trying to get inside the Union.

And on top of it all, we've got the only High Beer region in The New World... which can make anyone set aside their differences and join together in a moment of peace, beer and understanding thereof!