The Homeless Guide to V2

Day 962, 12:42 Published in Canada Canada by Homeless Joe

Here follows some basic advice for V2. Feel free to pass this on to newer players. I’ve started with a quick survival guide and then get into a bit more detail. Hope this helps.


Only work and entertain.
Make sure that you don’t lose more happiness working than you can recover that day being entertained. This will mean that you only need to recover 1 health per day. Spend the little amount of money you make purchasing the cheapest food. You will just need 1-2 health gain from it.


As you develop and gain more money, you can participate in more activities. Here are some quick thoughts on some of the main elements.

You lose 1 health every time you work, 1 health every time you train, and 1 health every time you use the Library. Don’t feel like you have to do all three every day. In fact, until you have enough money to afford high quality food and/or a house, I recommend that you only do 1 or 2 of these each day.
Since there is no quick way to gain health, I recommend keeping it above 90. Remember, just about everything you do becomes less effective as your health gets lower. As an aside, food now gets used from left to right and not necessarily from highest Q level to lowest.

With V2, Happiness has become more important than health. You lose it much more quickly, but you can also gain it by spending time being entertained in the residential district.
Like health, your happiness level makes you more or less effective at almost everything you do. You also need to keep this high, at least at 80 in my opinion.
When you are starting out and have little money, you will need to recover all, or almost all, of your lost happiness by spending time being entertained. As you gain more money, you can spend it on houses and food that give you more happiness, allowing you to spend your time in other things.

Especially starting out, you are probably going to want to work, possibly to the exclusion of training and visiting the library. As you develop, you will start to mix things up but will still probably want to work each day so you can get those hard worker medals. Just remember that you lose 1 health every time you work, regardless of how long you work. Make sure to specialize and try to always get work in the same field. As you develop skill, you will produce more and will make more money. You cannot do an activity for less than 4 hours each day.

V2 is almost certainly going to become much more specialized than V1. Since everyone has a minimum number of hours, some will put them into developing work specialties and some will put them into developing warrior specialties. I recommend that you develop your working skills before starting to train. Fighting is going to be expensive so it makes sense to develop your private economy before looking for ways to spend the little you have.
You will also want to make sure to develop a specialization. Start training in one of the four branches and don’t waste time training the other ones.

Don’t visit the library when you have hours you can work. You don’t get paid anything for visiting the library and both working and visiting the library develop the same skills. This is a function for those who have good jobs and can afford higher food.

Experience Points:
You get 2 experience points each day when you visit the Library, another 2 when you work, and another 2 when you train.

Remember, this is a rough guide. If you’ve got info you think I should include, let me know.

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Your friend from BC
Homeless Joe