The Heineken Report Issue 1, 10/30/09; The Fall of Indonesia

Day 710, 15:37 Published in USA USA by HeinekenCoC

Its Official Ladies and gentlemen, Indonesia is no longer a Superpower. Other than the Iron-Rich region of Karnatka, the Indonesian Empire is a granule of sand when compared to the Sahara Desert It used to be (Wierd Analogy but whatever). They gave Western Siberia, the richest region in eRepublik, to Russia a few days ago and now today, they lost Western Australia thanks to an American-led RW, Bringing Australia to the side of E/B. I thought I would never see this day, the very day Indonesian Empire would crumble. But hell, they brought it upon themselves. If the Indonesian Leadership would've stopped its Imperialistic ways, Indo would likely still be near or at the top. But fellow Americans, and EDEN Comrades, I see today, the day when we expelled PEACE from North America and took away Western Australia fom Indonesia, the day the Indonesian Empire and PEACE Empire Collapsed. They got nothing out of the single Largest War in eRepublik's History. They thought they succeeded, they though they had finally conquered us, but they forgot about 1 thing, Determination. I remember the day we were down to one state, and then the Counter-Offensive slowly but surely showed Progress. And Now, 109 Days Later after the Attack on Nova Scotia, it is Over.

My fellow Comrades, nothing can stop us. PEACE is on the verge of Collapse, EDEN is on the rise, this sounds familiar! Oh Yes, ATLANTIS. I remember when I started playing this game, that ATLANTIS was the Stronger Alliance and PEACE was starting to gain the upperhand...But even though I arrived at the end of the Alliance's Life, I saw what brought an end to it, Imperialism. Imperialism and Greed have accounted for the collapse of many Empires, and ATLANTIS was just of many. Out of the Entire Alliance, Romania was the strongest and most Imperialistic. I never like to go after a nation which is one of our closest allies, but As good allies they are/were to us, to their enemies they brought hell. The Romanians were so strong back then, that they went after all of Asia almost succeeding until the Admin Intervention which restarted the war a month later. Thus giving PEACE the time it needed to regroup, restrategize and start a baby boom. But even if they did succeed, the Romanians would go on and on until they conquered the world! They were like addicts, they were on the road to no-return, they knew not how to stop, they only knew to take, take, take, until Hungary and Indonesia launched a counter-offensive which forced them behind their borders. (Now, if it was because of the glitches idk..)

But Nonetheless, It has been proven time and time again that If a Country/Alliance goes after something too large to grasp, they will be defeated, as was the case in World War 1, World War 3, and countless other conflicts. To show what Imperislism does I will show Some examples of extinct Super-States which include;

The Pakistani Empire:
(At Peak)


The Romanian Empire:
(At Peak)


The Norwegian Empire:
(At Peak)


And Now Indonesia can Officially join this category;

The Indonesian Empire:
(At Peak)


________________________________________ ________________________

You see the Pattern here folks? Imperialism only gets you so far before your Empire crumbles beneath your feet. It seems as if some nations never learn... : /

But nonetheless, Indonesia and PEACE have finally learned, that not even the 2 Strongest Nations, A Ton if Allies, and a ton of Puppet-Countries whom obey every command; Can Overcome the Prowess and Determination of a Band of Nations, fighting for what they believe in.

A cool metaphorical Picture of EDEN/FORTIS/The Brolliance vs PEACE