The Green Machine

Day 485, 12:25 Published in USA USA by Jamarcus

I am honored to have been nominated as the Green Party's choice for President of these United States.

I am already actively seeking the office of President. I need all the help I can get. I have gotton positive feedback from many of our third party friends. We could see endorsements for the ticket in the coming days. I am still on the lookout for a VP. Most of the good one's are gone.

As President I would support fighting for oppressed nations such as Greece and Israel from the grips of the PEACE empires. The idea of Fighting wars of imperialism for the sake of experiance is two-faced at best. We could have war games with allies and send our brave troops to troubled regions of the world seeking a free society. America will once again become a beacon of hope to those who live without Liberty, Freedom, and Justice. America needs to re-evalute it's place in the world. We should not have to rely on other nations to survive. Nations should be begging to be our ally not the other way around. We should seek trade with ANY and ALL nations willing to trade with us.

America we cannot blame the majority for the actions of a few. We can't invade and declare war on weaker nations because we don't agree with how their government governs it's people. We can't punish an entire nation of people and claim to be helping them by taking away their territory and demanding War games and reperations for starting the war in the first place. We should be fighting for the glory of revolution in places like Australia who refuse to be servants within the Indo-Empire. The only way to protect our country from invasion is 1. Pick our battles. 2. Have a Strong Economy. 3. Present a United Front to our enemies.

Join the Campaign for Change Today!

-GP President Jamarcus