The Great Japanese Empire: A new empire's sun rise

Day 1,369, 00:38 Published in Japan Japan by General Stormbringer

Our great new Japanese Empire have been growing and expanding rapidly. More citizenship and more wars....
As of this our national newspaper or war report, the newly created Nipponmaru would like you to know all information about any further expansion of our great empire.
Recently, we have conquered Jeju from South Korea and are currently fighting resistance forces. For such a victory we are indeed a rising sun empire where gods are supporting us. Our sacred nation have also the greatest citizens and leaders.
It was always a great idea to start as South Korea as our national enemy first. After we defeat, South Korea the next enemy should be North Korea or Taiwan. Then China would be the next enemy....
Our great goal of creating the massive empire, should be more massive than the one created in WWII. In this new world a more great and more powerful empire shall be created.
In order to succeed in such of a great campagin, fellow citizens and comrades should invite more friends to join this great empire.
We should also get as much as alliances as possible, so those alliance members could also participate in our wars. Currently we have two great alliacned countries, UK and Turkey.
But, to establish alliances there are always two major problems. As most of our great leaders and citizens know, when we create alliances such as let's say randomly with US. If US have created an alliance with South Korea we cannot attack South Korea or else our alliance would be canceled. So, then we must have countries that doesn't have any alliances with South Korea.
But, then our alliance country choices would shrink. Now, from those countries we must pick the most strongest countries, because alliances always cost money.
Either way, our Great Empire is actually on its way to succession. This great empire in conclusion would probably be a new superpower. (or will be a new superpower).
Because of our great managing staff and leaders, and our great community we were able to accomplish to such a thing.
While, Jeju is conquered we must keep defending our great sacred country and a bright new sunny future will come soon.
All hail the great emperor and BANZAI!!
-Nipponmaru Shinbun