The Grand Unification of PANAM

Day 1,135, 10:10 Published in USA USA by Necros Xiaoban

Dear Sweet Pan Americans,

I am thrilled to see America and Brozil join together to form this awesome alliance, for I've long had a massive hardon for Brozil, and nothing could make me happier than to fight arm and arm with them.

I do, however, feel that the current arrangements leave something to be desired. As you can see in the following image, the Americas are currently a patchwork of individual nations, many of which have not yet felt the love of the PANAM family.

I propose that the North and South be made as one through a legally binding marriage between the United States of America and Brozil. This would provide many benefits to the alliance including sharing of resources, an equal division of the family finances, and we could carpool to work together.

However, if we're going to be married, we need to first have our affairs in order which is why I propose the United States and Brazil first unite their respective continents, creating two supernations.

The Groom and his Bride now fully prepared for their eternal commitment to one another shall consummate the marriage with the Groom entering the Bride with his enormous third leg.

As one nation, undivided, we will all share together in the fruits of democracy, with a single Congress composed of representatives of all regions, and a single President, to lead us in our conquest of the world.

If you agree with my vision for a better America, contact your local state or federal representative today!

Necros Xiaoban