The Glorious History of the eUK

Day 429, 01:19 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds

Tradition. Excellence. Flaming. We've got it all.

BUT, one thing we do have here, is history. Dating back to Kaleb, there has always been an atmosphere of political manuevers and attempts at power grabs, from just about every party.

Being that I don't know all of them completely, I'll go back to December and go over the ones I'm aware of. I'm sure some of the people that were actually native to the eUK can fill in the gaps, but I can probably name most of them.

A History of Gettings things done in the eUK - UKRP

The UKRP has, without a doubt the most complete history in the United Kingdom, being it's oldest functioning and largest party. Founded by Kaleb and Shadowukcs in December to unite the United Kingdom, which at the time had an inactive President, most of the experienced and hard working citizens aligned under the UKRP banner for the better good of the UK. During this time, Kaleb's Reformer's Chronicle became read worldwide as a source for inventive ideas on Government, Country Management, Economics (which he also had a hand in creating many of the things for V1), and so on. Kaleb and the UKRP were in power through May, until Final Destiny won the Presidency in June. During the UKRP's tenure in office, Kaleb won the elections January through April, and Shadow won in May. Government Ministries, Health Programs, and so on were founded.

During the March elections (confirmation?) there were two other parties beginning to emerge to remove the "one horse race" atmosphere. The Unity Party, headed by Final Destiny, who was one of the original 313 gang who stayed on, along with the PCP founded by a group of friends looking to implement more of a socialist/communist view, headed by KIA Sneak, Ip Lockard, and twaters among others. It created a large atmosphere of competition, and in the end, it was an alignment of the Unity Party and PCP that defeated the Juggernaut that was the UKRP.

June - Due Diligence Pays off

In June, Final Destiny, Jasperking, Firefly, Relic, and others all helped the eUK along the way. Kaleb, Shadow, Paddyohale, and others took more of a backseat due to RL commitments, leaving an opening for younger citizens or others who hadnt gotten the chance. The eUK grew even more, although it was over almost as soon as it began. It was a period of uncertainty with the Defence of South Africa, the Poland/German war, the Swedish/German war, and other conflicts. It was also during this time that Mr. Brodie was exiled from the eUK, albeit only for a while. What would we do without him, after all?

In the coming election in July, FD chose not to run again which threw the TUP into a tailspin somewhat. Jasper didnt have a lot of time to run the Party, and other candidates did not immediately appear. the PCP became the strongest party based on activity, with members from all walks joining them simply because they were all active and willing to do what's best for the group.

The Commies are Coming!

So, in July, KIA Sneak won the elections against Mr. Brodie among other candidates, and KIA actually served into September (3 terms). During his terms, the eUK was actually pretty solid, not counting the last few weeks when he started school and relied more on his cabinet. Along with Aurum the People's Initiative became extremely strong in the economic workforce, alongside Aurum as the two main providers in the eUK.

In August, the UKRP began to slowly build itself back up, beginning with the work Katie did to revive the party. With the arrival of several active members, along with myself, Jerry, Funky, Rayf, Shadow coming back, Paddy continuing his input, RonaldChris, Certacito, and many more, the UKRP started to creep back into the Commons starting in September. In fact, the UKRP has held at least 25% of Commons in the elections since the September vote. Some of the UKRP members became more outspoken to issues they felt needed addressing, and overall many of those things got accomplished.

Turning the Corner

In the October elections, when KIA announced he wasnt running again, there was a very hardfought election between Widdows and Rayf Drayson, a relative newcomer, yet one who had shown a vast array of skills. Rayf ended up winning the elections by 5 votes, and spent a hectic term as President (Prime Minister) of the United Kingdom. Aided closely by several experienced members from all parties, including the UKRP, PCP, and TUP, Rayf chose not to run again in November due to time constraints.

It was during this time that I chose to run again for President, and won both the November and December Elections. There were good days and bad days to be certain, but overall the approval rating seemed to be fairly high until about mid-December. My opponents during the two elections were Tim09 and Final Destiny (November 0😎, with Bremer and Tommy Tomassino in the following (December 0😎.

During my two terms, Commons passed more legislation that the surrounding three terms on either side. 15 Bills passed my desk, all the parties were active and cooperative, and at almost all times the cabinet was split in party membership. It was also during my time that the House of Lords was formed, although I worked heavily to reform it myself as in it's current state (original state) it was not working within the legislative process (it had no defined role, basically). Once that was fixed, it worked just fine, and has ever since.

A New Day

In the January elections, Deathtoll carried the torch for the UKRP, and won by a slim but not tiny margin over Relic. Since he has taken office, he has attempted to carry on in Commons, filled Ministries, and done just fine. Only time will tell how Deathtoll does, so we'll wait and see.

Now, onto one last subject: Accomplishment.

Every party I mentioned has done something for the eUK. The PCP carried the eUK for months during the UKRP and TUP revival periods, the TUP united us at a time when we were a one party country, the UKRP was a founder and main contributor on almost every level of the eUK. Each and every party has something to it's name. They've all proven they're above party politics, and they've all proven it time and time again. So personally, I see no need for change. Change for change's sake is as unnecessary as fixing a working watch.

So let's all hope that continues.
