The Final Word: British Columbia

Day 647, 21:52 Published in Canada Canada by Dean22
Frankly, I am disgusted at how Canada is acting right now. Your all absolutely ridiculous and childish. Before the war you all bickered as political parties and now you all bicker as establishments and groups.

I have lived in several countries across erepublik and Canada is the ONLY unique country (excluding the US) where people constantly fight each other, tear each other down and refuse to be proud of their national lineage with their brothers and sisters.

This is a Canadian war.

This isn't Jacobi's war, Bruck's war, Banach's war, the CAF's war, Dean22's war.

Many of you need to start working together for the benefit of Canada and be proud of our accomplishments and our defeats and be proud that we "saved" this community.

I did not spend 1300g+ in this war to save a community that bickers and bitches amongst themselves. I spent that gold to see the country and the people in this country thrive, live and work together.

I think some of you need to get some final points in here on both sides that you both need to hear and accept as fact.

@The Government regarding the opening of the Resistance War

The way in which, you responded to this Resistance War was both brash and immature. You labeled everyone who fight in the resistance as people who took a crap on our allies faces. The General of the CAF was informed and talked to about the Resistance War 6 hours before it began. Jacobi and Gaidal Cain were unavailable for 24 hours by e-mail, PM and phone.

The opening of British Columbia was perfectly timed and took advantage of the wars all across erepublik. Finland was about to win a battle against Russia easily, Spain was RWing against France, and the battle ended at 5 am in France.

All these contributing factors lead to possibly the most boring battle ending ever as there was barely any enemy resistance despite the CAF + allies having saved 30k damage ready to blast at the last second and the Resistance movements ready to blast another 30k damage (I put my damage and contribution in here just because I had no received any government or CAF funds for this operation).

But this battle showed us how a battle should be won and instead of taking this as a victory both sides took it the wrong way.

Instead of seeing articles saying "YES CANADA WINS BRITISH COLUMBIA" I saw articles saying CRM did this and Bruck did that and then the government saying "you didn't do crap! Our allies did this and that your useless!"

After, grabbing the damage from the battle of British Columbia it turns out CRM and Bruck's Canucks did a larger contribution than foreign allied fighters for British Columbia. The CAF, french citizens and myself did the rest of the damage which, was the majority.

(I am surprised no one thanked the French for freeing British Columbia).

Without, the RW start of BC we would have never gained Quebec and we would be fighting right now for BC instead.

Somehow, this was negatively spun to being a loss despite Canada ending up with one more region.

When British Columbia was started the Canadian government only had Very Little that could not afford BC and Quebec. It was one or the other here and my contribution made one province into two.

Final Word @ Resistance Groups

You guys strove for more voice and say in Canada. You helped in British Columbia and it was nice of you guys to aid Canada. The Canadian Government did not thank you or acknowledge you so you guys were pissed. They did unfairly say you guys did nothing meanwhile you guys sacrificed your worker's wages, time and wealth for the benefit of Canada and for that I personally thank you and think the government should follow suit.

However, you guys are always trying to go through the wrong channels and should become a seated member with the high command of Canada by talking to them rather than articles and comments as well as hateful threads on the forums.

Final Word @ The Government

A group of people had fought their tiny hearts out and some citizens made contributions which, gave Canada to British Columbia.

For once, instead of you (the government) doing things for your country and your people.

Your people did something for you.
They freed British Columbia and aided you in your quest and mission to bring all of Canada back home.

You acted rashly and tried bulling up lies and treachery spinning the RW saying that it fucked our allies when it really never did anything near that. You didn't thank the resistance groups or aid them nor try to open the proper channels to add their assets as a military group to your own. However, they have lashed out at you in the wrong way and seek to prove Canada that they are superior not the government or the CAF and for that they are wrong.



I want everyone to work together and strive for the sovreign Canada that we will fight for NO MATTER WHAT.

You are CANADIANS not Canucks, Resistance Movement, CAF, Cabinet, Congress, Prime Minister.

Let's all be Canadian's together.