The fantasy has been shattered

Day 1,133, 20:37 Published in Australia Australia by infin

Back when I wrote this article I was roundly condemned as an Indonesia supporter. I am not an Indonesia supporter - I am an Australia supporter. I said at the time, before selected allies helped free our regions in a series of resistance wars:

We can keep on waiting, and waiting, and waiting for someone else to help us win the resistance wars but does anyone think it will end there? Does anyone think Indonesia will allow us to regain such financial strength as to maintain 12 MPPs? Does anyone think our current allies will permanently station sufficient troops in Australia to fend off any future attacks?

Victory in any immediate RWs will not guarantee anything. We need to improve our relationship with Indonesia and prove to them that we wish to coexist with them and smiply enjoy living in our country. Wars can be fought elsewhere, but our relationship with Indo needs to improve otherwise we will always be on the back foot.

How many thousands of gold were spent in the last resistance wars? How much stability has that delivered us? Now the fantasy is shattered and Indonesia attacks Australia again. It was a foolish act to make Indonesia our natural enemy, and it was doubly foolish to attack Indonesia first. The best way to encourage a state of peace is NOT to attack to neighbour you are seeking peace with.

We need to take a period of time to rebuild our country with stable borders. We may need to sacrifice some regions as part of this diplomatic strategy with Indonesia but without stable borders business and the population cannot grow. Noobs have no idea what is happening.

It is not an ideal situation - we all want our original regions but it is quite clear that Indonesia do not want that and that they have the means to take what they want. Our big brothers cannot save us from this fate.

Secondly, Leadership. Where the hell is it? Bowen Eley was ridiclous enough as leader and thankfully he is gone, although I hope his shock hospitalisation improves. Arfman has no credentials to be leader and was not involved in any of the most recent RW actions. In my opinion Larni Kaddlestorm must be permitted to continue her important work with full executive power. As such I have moved a motion in the Senate to appoint Larni as Prime Minister (while Wally Wilson continues to push the buttons).

Thirdly, the reformation of the ANP has been criticised. Well given that we cannot defend our own borders and we will shortly be wiped from the map again, it's like shuffling deck chairs on the Titanic. But when DocterDry offered to create the party again I couldn't stop him. It feels wrong to be a member of another party - like when a dog kisses a cat. Indos have proven that given their massively larger number of characters, they can PTO us if they like too.

I remain of the opinion that diplomacy with Indonesia to secure a stable border we can call our own, is the best option available. We need to rebuild the base of our community.