The Failing of Emerican Politics

Day 1,128, 17:52 Published in USA USA by mohe3439

The article that you are about to read will not express any sort of new ideas, it will largely be a repeat of a concept which I am sure many writers have covered and written about at some point, but is none the less important to the welfare of the country as a whole. I am referring to the stagnation of Emerican politics which is better known as “newfags not into congress.” This is a simple concept to understand, those new to the political arena rarely enter into congress and other sorts of political organizations due to their large demand for already trained and recognized individuals. This makes it near impossible for a new player to meaningfully enter the political arena because it would first require entering in a low level post and working your way up through sheer investment of time and/or having a somewhat personal connection with those already in power.

The problem with this should be clear enough, being unable to easily have low experience players enter the government or other organizations yields a large untrained populace. Than, heaven forbid, a player were to experience some serious incident in RL and were than rendered unable to do anything for eRepublik, the result would be a significant lose of expertise in a specific area of the game. The effects would be rather mitigated in the eUS thanks to the fact that we have a large number of skilled players who could fill any hole relatively easily, but there is more to lose from it. As well, this centralizes all the power in the group of elites which, despite what you may think, are not centered to one or two parties but rather, to all five of the top five in varying degrees. These players have a rather good relationship amongst one another(at the very least one of professionalism when the situation requires it), and as such have a tendency to have a set group of ideas and are not the most receptive to new ideas. The current ideas which this group has developed work fine, but have not, to a noticeable degree, changed to a large degree.

Most changes have been spurred by the changes of the admins rather than new thoughts entering the group. This would be expected due to the fact that despite all the plans we make, all the preparations we take, the admins still run this game. (I would usually start complaining about that here, but that’s also been done too much.) This group should have new ideas enter it, even horrible ones so that way they could, at least possibly, could spur new, hopefully better ideas and that’s what every successful nation and people run on, new ideas. With each new idea that we at least consider, the stronger as a nation we become because just like in nature, a lack of diversity only weakens that which is stronger through mixing. With each new congressperson or worker we get in our nation’s political insides, the more advancement we make to a better, stronger nation.

Therefore, to achieve a more diverse political system, I encourage citizens to vote for unknowns. It doesn't have to be me, it can be some random player I'm running against, as long as it's not a blocker I don't care because choosing to run a serious campaign expecting to win I think is a sign of willing to take responsibility for the future of this country, a trait which I think is necessary for any leader, regardless of experience.