The explanation of Finland concerning the Norwegian regions.

Day 503, 13:47 Published in Norway USA by Sossu

Good evening.

As we all know, the presidential elections of Norway were a great disappointment. Foreign people, whose intentions weren’t for Norways good, won.
After that, just minutes before the Hungarian president took control, Finland and Norway decided to act. Now, when the Hungarian takeoverists have the authority to control Norway in whole, we together decided to put an end to their plans.
Finland is helping you to hold your regions in Russia by occupying them and have them waiting for the time Norway once again has Norwegian president. We have no intentions in keeping them forever.
Finland is upkeeping the regions which are valuable to Norway from falling from your hands.

We do not question your military strength, we’ve seen you in the battlefield and we are impressed from your power. But the truth is, that the original Norwegians are few in numbers. When the political organs are in the hands of foreigners, you need help from your allies. Finland has always had strong, warm relationships towards Norway, and our extraordinary bond must be valued. We are Scandinavian people, we are neighbours and we are friends. To the end.
We are helping you.
We are securing your regions.
We will guarantee a prosperous Norway once again.

The Hungarians are taking your money, but we will do the best we can from taking your regions.
The new president of Finland, simppa is a good fellow, I am sure that he along with his ministers will value the friendship and help you to re-establish the mighty nation of Norway.

ex-MoD of Finland.