The Epic World War III History

Day 1,007, 14:31 Published in USA USA by Joe Newton
This is the start of the World War III Series. Stay tuned for all editions, so that we might never forget.

Chapter One:

We all know how it began. The US started many wars. It started with the Canam war (the war of Nave’s toe). The war was the first large war in eRepublik. Canada was also very small at the time, and the US was one of the biggest nations in the game. This war, while not critical during WWIII, is the beginning of a spirit of conquest (or boredom, one of the two). The USA did very well the first day and captured many regions. Eventually they were recovered, with only Manitoba remaining in American hands.

The most notable event of the CanAm war, was that the American President Nave became the first tank in eRepublik in the final battle of Manitoba. For many months during Beta, tanking was called "pulling a Nave." But I digress. Canam ended with a peace treaty and later a NAP. The two countries started to drift together afterwards, because of being in the same Alliances time and time again. Also it was around this time we had wild passionate makeup sex, and we had a baby and called it Jr.

The next significant thing that came was Benn Dover. He initiated Operation French Toast with ATLANTIS. Ostensibly the reason was to free Switzerland from French control. We managed to take 3 French regions, and then activated France’s MPPs. We then tried to PTO them, but failed. The war was never closed.

Don't worry! It's just a training war!

The next war was ostensibly a training war started by Uncle Sam with Portugal. However, Portugal was engaged with a war with Spain at the time, and apparently wasn’t notified. They rebuffed the invasion. Uncle Sam then turned his attention towards Mexico in Operation Taco Bell. America did well at first, capturing all the northern regions, but could not advance into the south because the north didn’t border the south. It was one of those “fun” things that the admins only fixed by the end of WWIII. By the time the admins fixed the mistake, Mexico signed many MPPs with PEACE. An un-easy truce began, because PEACE was unwilling to advance into America because of all the ATLANTIS MPPs which could have changed the tide of the war.

In Mexico, America did make notable gains, but at the time there was no budget or organization, so way too much gold was thrown at each wall leaving us broke before we finished the war.

Under Scrabman, the USA got more organized. The first budget was created. Under Scrabman, the USA attacked Far Eastern Russia, Russia, in a gambit to acquire High Diamonds while Indonesia and Hungary attacked Western Siberia and Podolia respectively. We also attacked as a drain from the previously mentioned battles, but it was too late. We did almost beat Russia here, with their 10(?) MPPs. It was hailed a success because it was our best military performance at that date. Scrabman’s last act was to put a Q5 Hospital in Kansas, which we will see more about later.

Thus created the Opening for all the other nations to invade. Portugal, France and Russia.

Stay tuned for the next chapter, The Threat.

Also, check out the cartoon version of WWIII.