The EPIC Thirty

Day 1,252, 01:55 Published in Canada Canada by Sperry

For the past year, EPIC has offered a home to Canadians of a strange array of backgrounds. While we sprang from a pair of left-leaning parties, EPIC is a neutral party for independent players who march to the beat of their own drums, not a party line.

We are the Gem Dragons of the eCanadian world.

This month, our first anniversary, we have put together a list of 30 candidates for today’s Congress Elections. Running today are 6 of our Party Presidents, including our current leader, Frank139. EPIC’s ballot also includes former Cabinet Ministers, a Country President, several TCOers, a schmexy Artist/General, and dozens of months of Congressional Experience. We’re also very pleased to once again present several new candidates to these elections. Experience is a valuable thing to have, but the passion of new blood is fantastic, and even Old Jacobi was a wee’un once.

Perhaps most importantly, 5 of our wonderful candidates come to us from parties outside of the Top 5. The Union Nationale and DAL, ranked 6th and 7th respectively, are both tabling candidates for today’s elections. I’m once again thrilled to see that these parties have the opportunity to give worthy players the chance to take part in Canada’s Congress.

Ultimately, who you vote for is your choice. But whoever you vote for, we at EPIC hope that your choice is an informed one, and one to be darned proud of. It’s your game, it’s your country, it’s your day.

Make it so.
