The EPA v. The OPAF

Day 1,494, 20:13 Published in Russia USA by BattleSir12

I am writing for Jon Malcom's Erepublik Fiction Writers Contest.

On Day 1,810 of the New World, eRepublik was booming.

But one thing was different: there were only 8 remaining countries. They were Poland, Serbia, Turkey, USA, Bulgaria, Russia, Croatia, and Canada. How did this happen? Well, from Day 1,800 to 1,850, there was an excruciating war. It was called eWorld War 3. The smallest countries fell under the strongest countries. Serbia, Poland, and Turkey formed the group called the Omni-Potent Fighters. The others made up the group called the eWorld Peace Alliance. By this time, the Admins found a way to make their own citizens that receive 500 gold a day. This made them just as powerful as the OmniPotent Fighters by the start of the war. The Admins made their own group called the OmniPotent Admins. Then the war started.

The EPA (eWorld Peace Alliance) was led by Romper. He believed in fighting to defeat evil. He would fight whether the EPA was poor or rich. This led to several depressions. He was impeached and Oblige came to power. He had the EPA save their money and gold for future war. The OPF (OmniPotent Fighters) focused on saving money and training to improve their strength. They were led by all of their former presidents. The OPA (OmniPotent Admins) focused on smuggling gold into the OPF’s accounts and their own accounts. They were led by all of Plato’s friends. The OPF attacked the EPA on Day 1,812 and captured all of the area once known as China. The EPA offered 1,000 gold for a cease-fire for 100 days. The OPF accepted and there was silence for 10 days. On Day 1,822, the EPA attacked the OPA. Before attacking, the EPA built special nuclear missiles that would release toxic gases on contact of the attacked area and would explode. Then, 6 hours after the explosion, it would release more toxic gases, delivering a surprise attack after a group would start their clean-up efforts. The EPA did this and wiped out half of the OPA’s population. The OPA became desperate in saving their lives…and gold.

The OPA offered the OPF half of their gold in return of merging with them. They agreed and they formed the OmniPotent Admin Fighters (OPAF). Both groups rested for their next fight. Meanwhile… in EPA headquarters… Oblige had called for an emergency meeting. “We need someone better in control of the Ministry of Defence. I am asking for suggestions. Anybody?” “Me!,” said Romper. “You’re the fool who kicked me out of office anyway!” “Calm down Romper. Does anybody have any objections?” The Congress members were silent. “Well, congratulations Romper. And by the way I’m not a fool.” “Sorry Mr. Oblige.” Romper had everyone train and fight. The EPA was stronger than ever by Day 1,840. The EPA was ready for war, but the OPAF wasn’t. Anyhow, the OPAF didn’t care and they broke their cease-fire agreement and attacked the EPA.

The war continued on from Day 1,841 to 1,849. The EPA used their special weapons and wiped out Turkey completely on Day 1,842. Then the Admins were gone the next day. Poland and Serbia sent messengers to say they had surrendered. Oblige did not believe them and headed to the Safe Room in his palace three stories below the ground. He was one story below ground when the palace was attacked with nuclear air strikes. There was a traitor that told the OPAF about the nuclear weapons and combined it with air attacks. The EPA was smart enough to wait. When they found Oblige’s body, dead, with a note in the front pocket of his suit. Romper took it out and read it saying:
I President Oblige knew my life was coming to an end, and now was the end. We the EPA were the original ancestors of eRepublik. The OPAF were the first descendants of us. They seeked power, cruelty, and world domination. We seeked peace and justice. Now is the time to fulfill the peace and justice in the New World. I have plans to do just that. They are in the Safe Room. There is a channel leading them to the sea. They are indestructible ships that can wipe them out. Now is the time. Good luck. I know you can do it. The person who reads this letter shall become the leader of the EPA. Good luck.

Romper fulfilled Oblige’s plan with quality 10 ships.

They wiped out Poland and Serbia on Day 1,849. The celebrations began on Day 1,850 along with Oblige’s funeral. It was the biggest funeral in history. Romper served as president for 50 more days before retiring. Oblige went down in history for being the most important person and part of the defeat of the OPAF and the best leader of the EPA. He was the most famous of all citizens. He was the first citizen to be elected into the eRepublik Hall of Fame. In eRepublik by Day 2,000, the world was peaceful. There was no more greed, cruelty, and war. There was world peace and eRepublik citizens never worried about another greedy group to obtain control of eRepublik. eRepublik citizens lived peacefully and happily ever after. And when other citizens ask,"What happened to the Admins, Poland, and Serbia?" The older citizens reply,"Oblige destroyed them. You wouldn't be here without him."

This article was written for entertainment and is not meant to be taken personally. This story is fictional and is just a story. I hope you enjoyed this article.
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