The eAmerican Spring

Day 1,676, 11:22 Published in USA USA by Elizabeth Jones more.

The beauty of a free society where we the citizens decide the fate of our country is upon us. Having a difference in opinion on the direction of our country has lead many to balance the security of America against those who don't carry the water for this elitist establishment. Many like to go along just to get along. but that's boring! I'm cut from a different cloth. If you see something you don't like, change it. That's the way I was brought up. American bred, bullsh*t intolerant.

I already know the haters and zombies will attempt to rain on anybody's parade but that's cool. That's to be expected. But one thing the zombies can not deny is the amazing achievement by the Republican Liberty Caucus. A movement to the Top 3 spot was lead by the awesome chickensguys and our new party president, Dutch Marley. While the establishment unleashed their zombies on Dutch Marley like beast in the wild, the party stayed true to our beliefs of a truly free country where you're able to have your own voice, exercise your own mind. The reason the RLC is a Top 3 party is because many believe in the message of a free society. Being a part of a party that demands to have it's own voice when it comes to the matters affecting our country, not harm our country. We are Americans too, no one can change that.

The naysayers and those who once called Dutch a friend turned their backs on him. For what? Because of Ajay joining the party? Please, get over it. As long as I been around in this world (almost 3 years), Ajay Bruno has only been a boogeyman to use against anyone who don't do what they're told. At every turn he has been shutdown by the elite, why is his name even still a factor? One thing I will never understand. The elite have given him power over this country that he never attained. Just the mere mention of this man, it becomes a national security issue that all of a sudden gives the establishment permission to make a PTO attempt on a US political party. It sucks but should never be feared. In the end, after all the backstabbing and true colors being revealed, the Feds stepped up and jumped into the bottomless pit thinking it was straws when they were actually needles. FAILED moments are rampant nowadays, apparently.

This is what happens to someone who carries the water for a political party that doesn't give a damn about you. Maybe she needs to stick to AMP business. That's why I advocate for people to be their own person. Being a zombie only leads to rusty kneecaps. Just say no to giving blowjobs and watch the eWorld change for the better.

I decided to make that next step to represent citizens of America who believe in a free and fair system. I am running for Congress in the great state of Montana, Big Sky Country. I have proven time and time again that I'm my own person, nobody's multi, zombie or fluffer. Former President Harrison Richardson learned that first hand when he decided to be the biggest jerk president of America. When he decided to blatantly treat new citizens as unreliable trash, I took him down. That's what we need to do in our country. We need to take down the elitist establishment that makes all the decisions and rules. We have a role to play in the greatness of our country. Why aren't we allowed to contribute? I don't want to follow orders, I want to contribute to the orders being made. I have a voice, it will be heard.

With many in our country opting to offer job positions without paying income taxes, the time has come for our government to review the tax structure for goods and services. Our economy is in shambles, everyone knows that. We must cope with the times and the response of our people. If people want to make good wages with having to pay so much in taxes, they will accept job offers where they are paid directly. This really undercuts our government from raising money for war efforts. I don't blame those who go that route. If you need the money, do what you have to do to get it. I as a congressman will fight to make this right. I will propose that income taxes be cut by 5% across the board and the minimum wage be increased to $5.00. This will put a little more change in the pockets of our citizens while encouraging our people to pay their new low income taxes. Will it stop the undercutting of our government? Probably not, but it's a start.

The Terra alliance has hit a stage where it is no longer beneficial to the interest of eUSA. Brazil, the heart of Terra, has left this alliance and to be honest, its about damn time. Americans ARE fed up with the status quo, home and abroad. The moment Terra HQ decided not to long ago to help us during an invasion, I took a mental note and said this alliance was nothing but a sh*tsandwich. It's time this administration find some balls and start talks to create a new alliance where eUSA can take the lead and not be bound by FAILED directions. GloveisRIGHT!

Change begins at home. Our foreign policy will determine whether America continues to stand as a strong nation. Change in our country must take place at all levels of our government, including the National Security Council. Any entity that gives up on America is not part of America. Simple as that.

On Day 1675, vote for me as your next congressman representing from the state of Montana. I have always made my intentions clear from Day 604 in the New World. Fairness for all is what I demand. I am not a zombie, I am an one can change that.

...always fighting for you,