The Duke of Alberta's Congressional Candidature in New Brunswick

Day 1,646, 16:27 Published in Canada Canada by The Duke of Alberta

The Duke of Alberta runs for Congress

Ladies, and Gentlemen, of the glorious province of New Brunswick, and of the glorious country of eCanada. I come here today, to present my candidature, and my ideas, to run for congress for The Canadian Progressive Front. In my attempt to remain active in this game, I decide to place my “talents” in a position where they can be most effective. This article will highlight my position on various issues. If there is anything not covered that you still have doubts about, feel free to send me a PM or even post a comment below, I’m not afraid to stand up for my principles.

The Military
Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory,- George S. Patton

President Sperry has made it painstakingly clear, that eCanada needs to further her role in international affairs, and his tool for this is through warfare. I support Sperry’s sentiments as well, eCanada’s military needs to shoot something besides a red uniform. I will back any proposal to lead eCanada’s war machine into Europe, or any country in which TERRA or EDEN needs us. I do not favor one alliance over the other, and we should help each of them equally. If society wants to accept them as a single alliance, I won’t stand in their way.

Even with the threat of Hungarian invasion looming, I won’t stand down.

The Economy
The econ module died far too long ago to actually need anything remotely close to an economist, - Alexander Rearden, V1 Economist Extraordinaire

In a world where the value of CAD is about the same as my fingernail, the need for economic positions becomes less and less important. However, I promise to continue to hold the eCanadian Executive Government accountable for all transfers of money, and assure nothing is being dealt right under our noses. No matter how trustworthy we believe our CP is, it’s never a good time to let our guard down.

eCanadian Society
People who work together will win, whether it be against complex football defenses, or the problems of modern society,- Vince Lombardi

In the spirit of this quote do I approach eCanadian society. A noble goal indeed, to gather everyone together to bring society forward, not having to worry about losing them to some other country. What a dream indeed. I am in full support of improving mentoring programs, improving health programs, anything to try and retain new citizens entering this New World. If we do find some amazing miracle to make everyone work together, eCanada can’t do anything else but benefit.

In Conclusion

I ask for your vote on the 25th, to help improve eCanada in some aspects, and to keep the others in the forward momentum they have attained. I believe that I am the right man for this job, and hope that this presentation helps prove this to you. I end this presentation with a quote from Lester B. Pearson.

The only failures are those who fail to try.

The Duke of Alberta, “The Duke”
eCanadian Ambassador to eCroatia
Candidate for Congress in New Brunswick
Proud Supporter of the Canadian Progressive Front