The death of media.

Day 1,057, 11:12 Published in USA USA by Sossu

During all these “improvements” that have worsened and worsened the game that the admins have created, I have had a single, silent wish.

I hope they don’t touch the media.

Today, when I first saw the title of the new eRepublik Insider, I immediately prepared myself for the worst. “Changes in media module” couldn’t possibly be any good, and how right I was. They weren’t even near the excellent improvement suggestions made by Nanotik. Instead of every journalists’ dream, the new changes are a nightmare. I think that the admins acknowledge this, as they didn’t name their newest lunacy as “improvements”, “updates” or “upgrades”. They named it “changes”. Changes for the worse.

Admins need to realize that when we, the customers and the player base, ask for changes, we mean tweaks, little improvements to the game mechanics that are already so good that they draw us back to the game every day. Changes doesn’t mean taking a sledgehammer and pounding the game in to unrecognisable shape. The modules should be improved by adding new elements to them, not stripping down the very few old ones. Admins’ solution to problems seem to be shutting down the entire section of the game where the problems are encountered. It’s like repairing a sinking ship by ripping off the planks from the other side. By trying to stop spam (which is an annoyance, not a big issue), the admins are tearing apart the only working and fully functional module in the entire game.

Media is my lovechild. I think this paper as my greatest achievement in the game and writing to it makes me come back to the game every other day. I’ve never tried to quit or thought about quitting, but this atrocity is really putting me on the edge. I don’t matter about the military module or the economy, but if the most simplest and most creative module is mangled in order to stop some petty spammers from advertising their cheap rifle deals, I’m seriously considering to log off one last time.

Shouts and media are the only channels for citizens to communicate with each other. We’ve created such diversified communities that the thoughts we express from them can’t always be shortened to 160 letters. Neither can we found new friends by shouting. We need to befriend someone first before we can exchange shouts, and media and especially the comment section is the place where citizens get to know each other. By restricting the international exchange of thoughts and ideas, admins are “closing the borders”, bounding us to get familiar only with the citizens of our home land. We can still comment other people’s thoughts, but we can’t express our own. That’s a fundamental part of free speech, something that the general rules of eRepublik stand up for.

The impracticalness is immense. People who help other nations to fend off PTO:ers in elections can’t communicate with their countrymen anymore, nor can the people who want to try something new and start a new life on the other side of the eWorld. People like montaigne, who has a top-20 personal newspaper, or Max McFarland 2 can’t publish to their respective homelands. These two writers are important figures in their homeland’s media, and this will leave a gaping hole to America’s and Hungary’s medias.

The upcoming writers of small nations, like the newly established 6 nations have virtually lost the chance to ever get a media mogul. How can anyone get 1000 subscribers if there aren’t even that many inhabitants in his homeland? If they want to improve and do what they love, they are forced to move out to get larger audiences for their writings.

Media has always been international. If this setback had been implemented earlier, many epic articles would have been left unpublished. Propaganda and media wars are crucial and extremely fun parts of this game. It’s sort of gray warfare, and while many people for instance, forget why Eden was so upset to America a few months ago, no one forgets the media impact it had. When we are restricted to express our thoughts only to the audience that generally already agree with us as they are our countrymen, there is not going to be confrontation or exchange of ideas anymore. Questions like “Why does he think like that?” “How come I never thought that?” and “Is my way of thinking really the only right one?” will be left unasked and the great international community we have today will shrink into many small nationalistic islands with no connection with each other.

This ravaging of the media module is unacceptable and idiotic. If you have a newspaper, any newspaper, spread the word no matter how many subscriptions you have. This is an important issue that touches us all.

Like Joe Newton sai😛

“The reason the Media Module has been so successful, is because you have left it alone.”