The Dear Father eWorld Tour Begins!

Day 1,473, 23:31 Published in Australia Australia by Dartreal
Greetings my children!

Today marks the beginning of Dear Father's eWorld Tour!

I can hear your complaining now...

"Zomg he's leaving cuz eAust left EDEN and he pissed zomg!!!!111!!"

Actually this is far from it. I've been in eAustralia for a while and it's time to go out and explore the eWorld. Last time when I went to eSouth Africa I had fun - it was a good chance of scenery and I met some cool people.

I'm going to make this game more fun for myself as well as everyone by traveling around the eWorld, meeting new people and spreading my comic love. I'm not going to limit myself to just TERRA/EDEN countries. I'm including all countries regardless of their alliances.

Please note that this is a tour so I'm going to eventually get around to all countries. And the first stop is:


Why eSweden. Cause Sweden is cool in real life so it has to be cool in game, right? Plus I know some eSwedes and they're pretty cool people as well.

And they have vikings - and vikings are f#$%ing awesome.

So I say fair well to eAustralia and hello to eSweden.

The Dear Father eWorld Tour Begins!

Lots of love,