The Dark Side of the Forum

Day 2,065, 11:32 Published in USA Serbia by GaiusGuy
Author's Note
Continuation of my first month saga, written in the hopes that I can look back with a less turbulent frame of mind to glean some pieces of wisdom for posterity.


A wise man once said (only fools rush in?):

And yet, for reasons that currently escape me, here I am tipping the Google cab that dropped me off at the registration entrance of the eUSA forum. I took a deep breath, and walked in.

Allow me to draw you a picture of the scene that awaited me. A line of people introducing themselves at the top of the grand stairs leading down into the full gala below. I overhear introductions of ambassadors and other foreign dignitaries, established citizens who have traveled afar and have made a brief stop here to greet long lost acquaintances. And as I approach the front of the queue, I realize in dawning dread - I SO DO NOT BELONG HERE.

Too late, it is my turn to introduce myself.

"Err hello, GaiusGuy here, and um... I got nothing." (ba-dum-tish!)


Just before I turn away trying to recover what was left of my dignity, a monkey(?) approached me. (Great. My welcoming committee. Help me Obi.)

Disclaimer: My Star Wars lens might blur accurate portrayal of actual avatar.

"From humble beginning, GaiusGuy come to eUSA with nothing but shirt on his back. But through hard work, dedication, and daily supply of banana, he overcome adversity to fulfill his eAmerican dream. Come with DK as he narrate the great adventure of Gaius Guy."

With that, plus a parting gift of a banana, he swung away to the nearest chandelier flinging poop into the drinks.


The monkey trainer who I hadn't noticed up to now met my bewildered gaze and gave an encouraging nod.

"Seriously, go with DK. Do not hesitate. With his narration, the tale of GaiusGuy will be the greatest story ever told."


While trying to catch up to the ape, I got lost amidst the many winding corridors of the forum. At this point, I took a random turn hoping to get some directions.

There was a room filled with veterans and senior citizens talking amongst themselves in a very familiar manner in what looked to be heated discussion. Curious, I listened in.

I didn't really understand the particulars of what I was listening to, but basically they sounded incredibly upset and bitter at Emperor Palpatine Plato, his Administrative Imperial Guards, and some dog named Fluffy(?). Not only that, people were blaming each other for various faults or another, and invectives like "Fluffer(?)" were flying all over the place.

My heart sank. (Guess wise man was right. But I... can't help... falling in...)

And sank even further when I turned around to leave ran into what looked to be a very menacing-oh-frak phantom. Belatedly I realized I prolly shouldn't be here in the first place.

See above disclaimer.

As my short elife flashed before my eyes, my final thought popped up forefront. You know how I said in the beginning of this article I wasn't sure why I was here in the first place? That was a lie. What I wanted to see was some indication that united action was taking place to show that eUSA was resisting. Instead all I felt was anger, hatred and suffering. There really was no hope after all.

yes there is hope

What the... am I hearing things now? I could have sworn...

but only if new players like you stick around.

Ok, that damn monkey must have injected a "magic" ingredient into the banana he left me and now I'm hallucinating worse than a pony on crack.

I remember a time when eAmerica was the strongest, most vibrant community in the eWorld...
The only thing that prevents us from returning to that is our own misgivings.
Have faith.

With that the Phantom turned away with Menace while I was trying to get my mental bearings. I could have sworn he started climbing the forum corridor walls onto a ledge before I lost sight of him. (no one uses the floors around here? Sheesh.)

Damn that banana. Time for me to exit and get some fresh air.

However, as I left the forum, peace of mind was not to be for I was accosted by yet another mysterious cloaked figure.

"Gaius, why are you joining the bad guys?"

See above disclaimer.

To be concluded in Part 3. (Because everything ends with a Trilogy)