The Congressional Candidates (Sept 2009)

Day 672, 17:47 Published in USA USA by LifesaverM
(Last Updated, Thurs - 17:45)
Unless I've made an error this should be the Final Edition
Final data received from PPs, and candidate link updates complete.

Edit: AstraKat also posted her edition in the eUSforums at this URL,11504.0.html

Good Day America,

I am pleased to present to the citizens of our amazing eUSA a pretty comprehensive listing of candidates running in the upcoming Congressional Elections in just a few days. This information may have a few errors with all the battles going on, as part of this process I have sought out each of the Top 5 Party Presidents to heLib provide official lists, and have combined that with some general skimming around, to grab some last minute changes. Links to the candidates’ presentation is include if one was provided, or found. This article took quite a bit of time to collate, and prepare, and look up candidate articles, if you think this was a good idea please do me the honor of voting or even subbing to the newspaper.

It is extremely important that each eMerican of at least level 6 or higher let there voice be heard and exercise their right to vote. Please take the time, at such a critical time it is crucial we choose leaders that can take us the next step. So without further ado:

Futch - LIB
Joe Newton – USWP
Serendipitous – AAP
SGGHays - CvP

12monkeys - UIP
Emperor Rick - CvP
Franklin Delano Roosevelt - USWP
Rheinlander von Phalz - AAP

Ballman - AAP
Killing Time - USWP
Rhodri Mawr - CvP

Astra Kat G – Green (on UIP Ticket)
Mattoze5 - CvP
Tymat - USWP

Aang Airbender – AAP
DesertFalcon - CvP
qkoller – USWP
Slade Steel - LIB

Evry - CvP
Kazeal - UIP
PabloEscobar5 – NP (on AAP Ticket)
Solar424 - USWP

Carlos Felix - AAP
Jon Fischer - CvP
RIddle16 – USWP
s0beit – LIB

District of Columbia ? (Not sure how this will work tomorrow)
ligtreb – USWP

jfbranson - CvP
Malicia Savage - AAP
Zcia - USWP

Adam Griffin - USWP
Kenneth Sutton – AAP
Kyle James - CvP
Sheriff Yoda - LIB
Spinoza – UIP

Claire Littleton – USWP
Ksedin - AAP
R3dko - LIB (also endorsed by CvP)

dbuck2001 - CvP
Johnny Roberts - LIB
St Krems – FP (on AAP Ticket)

James Strife - USWP
M. Balch - CvP
psyber2kayos - AAP

Bryan Mills – AAP
Christopher Kenzington - CvP
J03 Freyer – UIP

Philman – USWP
system0101 - AAP

Elderon Zakath - no party (on USWP ticket)
Samuel Brouillette - AAP

Habraka Abrivianius - CvP
Ron Richardson - AAP

AngelofMusic – Green (on UIP Ticket)
Dodgercatcher – USWP
Yono - AAP

Dark Soldier – UIP
ghinculov - LIB
logan Dunleavy - CvP
Rex Object – USWP
seeker1 - AAP

Reclaimed state too late for official declarations

Canni – LIB
Minh Bruno - AAP

Bythemark - USWP
Darth Ozy - CvP
Joey Jackson - LIB
Tormod - AAP
Voltar - UIP

b.k. blake - USWP
Cynic Grim - AAP

Cade Magnus – USWP
DanielCD - LIB
Seeroy - AAP

Bill Brasky – UIP
Kerat - USWP
Nohari Starr - AAP

milestailsprower - CvP
Mercurius100 - AAP

citizenslave – FP (on LIB Ticket)
Darth Malek - URP (on AAP ticket)
Sam Kraus – USWP
ukyo29 - CvP

AidenAstrup – USWP
Paper Boat – Green (on AAP Ticket)
sydiot – LIB
Tony A Soprano - CvP

New Hampshire
Ardez - CvP
devoid - LIB
Jamarcus – UIP
Michael J Frost – USWP
Pactra - AAP

New Jersey
Reclaimed state too late for official declarations

New Mexico
Jude Connors – SFP (on AAP Ticket)
Seamus Harper - USWP

New York
Fionia - USWP
mjdiv - LIB
Treebee - UIP
Zacharius Axeland - CvP

North Carolina
Disdick - USWP
Henry Arundel - CvP
JohnPaulJones – UIP
SamFisher202 - AAP

North Dakota
Acjcrr – SFP (on CvP ticket)
Harry Tsang – RP (on AAP Ticket)

GoBucks – USWP
KillerAtLarge - AAP
The Merchant - CvP

Darkflight – FP (on UIP Ticket)
George S. Patton Jr - AAP
Tacitus Arkenseale - USWP

Aaron S - USWP
Jon Malcom – CvP
Mr Havox - AAP

Cromstar - LIB
Dnitsch - USWP
Genghis Hank – UIP
Richie450 - AAP

Rhode Island
Indrae - LIB
Kyle Galli – UIP
Malolo - USWP
wapu - AAP

South Carolina
artec - AAP
Daniel Hawkins – UIP
Deleruin - LIB
Devan Kronos - USWP

South Dakota
Blake Chrysostom - UIP
Crut - USWP
timothybeasley - Green (on AAP ticket)

Bradley Reala - LIB
Regis Jerome - AAP

cujo mayo – LIB
Tiacha - FP (on USWP ticket)

awebb85 - LIB
Brandon_H – AAP
Sage Naumann - CvP

Achilles Burch - CvP
Aldric Harper - AAP
Chocolate McSkittles - USWP
Jiosen - UIP
Oprah Winfrey - Lib

Evan Feinman - AAP
Yang Wenli - USWP

West Virginia
CrashNBurn – FP (on USWP Ticket)
Leilei - CvP
Lookout - DP (on AAP ticket)

2000max - AAP
Baarogue - USWP

Cloyd Wallis – CP (on AAP Ticket)
Epac – FP (on UIP ticket)
Erko1129 - USWP
Gaven Strahm - LIB

Party Abbreviations:
AAP – America’s Advancement Party, CvP – Conservative Party, CP – U.S. Capitalists Party, DP - Democratic Party, FP – Federalist Party, LIB – Libertarian Party, RP – Republican Party, SFP – Socialist Freedom Party, UIP – United Independents Party, URP - Umbrella Research Party, USWP – U.S. Workers Party

What’s this running on X ticket business mean? The game mechanics only allows the Top 5 parties to place candidates on the official ballot. Others can run but may get “bumped” off the list from the other top parties. Typically when someone of one of the other parties wants to run, they seek out one of the Top 5 for an endorsement, and run on their ticket.

Editor’s Note: Not all the parties, contacted me prior to the publishing deadline. I realize I’m new to the scene, but never pass up an opportunity to get your message out there. I do this because I like to see at least semi-informed voters, something I do in RL as well. It really bothers me when folks do the random pick thing and know nothing about the people that they are electing. I’m happy to heLib curve that anyway I can. Additionally I’d like to give Kudos to Sydiot, and Devan Kronos for heLibing me with some last minute research. Lastly, if you find any errors, I would be happy to correct the article I ask that only the candidates themselves or an official of their respective party contact me with corrections to prevent at potential issues. Thank-you, and have a peachy day America.
