THE CAVE: A New Series (Day 1,291)

Day 1,291, 14:51 Published in USA USA by Chutley

(New masthead for this series arriving shortly - I hope)

THE CAVE: Day 1,291

Today I will begin a new series, entitled THE CAVE. (Don’t worry, this will not reduce the frequency of Charticles.) I don't know how often I'll do them, especially with the imminent possibility of my becoming the Secretary of Media, but I will publish as frequently as I can, perhaps it will be one of the initiatives of my tenure in the Glove administration.

This series commences my attempt to practice what I preached yesterday – that we the people should support media. We need to revive and revitalize the eRepublik writing community by encouraging both old and new writers to publish more frequently.

THE CAVE articles will be brief. They will merely contain links and synopses of new articles that I believe are worthy of being read. My hope is that you will check THE CAVE series every now and then and visit the newspapers I recommend that day.

I follow a fair amount of papers and I check the homepage for good stuff, but, of course, I still miss a ton, especially articles from different eCountries. So, I encourage any writer to PM me new articles so I can consider mentioning them in THE CAVE. Naturally, I will not be able to include every article sent to me, but I will do my best.

I hope this is successful because I see our media dying off each week. I’ll reiterate from yesterday’s article: if you are already a journalist, or if you are considering creating a paper, I recommend you occasionally follow this model. This doesn’t mean every eRepublikan should become a Pony Express, but we could at least provide a few links at the ends of our articles. Or, if you don't feel like doing any of that, you could always just shout THE CAVE and any other papers like it.

Now, without further tl;dr’ing, here is the first CAVE:

Special mention needs to be given to the American Idol contest found on Civil Anarchy’s paper. This is a valiant attempt to invigorate media, and I hope its efforts are not fruitless.

So far, I am aware of the following entries:

Jason Welsh: Who Should Be the Next POTUS?

Gnilraps – 16 Shells is back!!: Chutley for Prez (side note – he’s crazy)

Phoenix Quinn: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Glove

Mr. Peanuts: Round 1: Fight

The Army Times is looking for a War Correspondent

Zachary Parsons is doing quality interviews.

Elmie Jr. is profiling players from around the world.

That’s it for today, folks. Please feel free to link to your new articles in the comment section. Let’s get media back on its feet!


P.S. Am very much looking for someone to do masthead/design for this series ASAP. Please let me know if you are interested in creating something.