The Canonization of Jacobi

Day 682, 14:40 Published in Canada Canada by William Duncan


I won't tell this story with my own words, because a few loudmouthed dunces will call me biased (you know who you are.) So, using the words of eCanada’s Greatest President Ever, and the words of his enemies (who aboundeth with love for him), I will preach the utter greatness of that which is known as Jacobi.

He deserves a cult, in my opinion, and so as Bishop of the Church of the FSM, I am formally abusing my pastoral powers and canonizing a living person. That’s right. Jacobi’s formal title is now:

St. Jacobi the Great,
Savior of the eCanadians,
Patron Saint of all eCanada, and all that is great about eCanadians.

In order to determine if someone is a Saint, there are two things that must be demonstrate😛

1. Prayers made in the Saint’s name result in Miracles.

Every Saint deserves a prayer, in my opinion, so here’s the official Jacobian Prayer that all FSM’ers ought to memorize and pray every day:


Jacobi’s Prayer:

I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: "O Lord make my enemies ridiculous." And God granted it.


I believe this prayer, originally from Voltaire, is better suited for the Patron Saint of eCanada; after all, in true Jacobian fashion, eCanada has succeeded marvelously in making our enemies look ridiculous under St. Jacobi the Great’s leadership. This is easy enough to prove, because all I have to say is:

- the eUK
- France
- Iran

Behold! Thou hast laughed at eCanada’s enemies. God, indeed, has granted our prayer and made our enemies ridiculous. We are truly are a blessed country: the FSM be praised !!!


Okay, so St. Jacobi the Great met the requirement of having prayers granted in his name, so now I am moving on to the second item needed for someone to be made a Saint,

2. The testimony of others affirms their holiness (which I interpret to mean super powers).

In real life, people who are considered for canonization are meticulously researched and investigated. Jacobi doesn’t really need any of this, as the people have canonized him four times already, but for the lulz and to meet the conditions of sainthood, you can see the evidence in Part II (see last article).
